Graver vs Graven - What's the difference?
graver | graven |
a burin
a carver or engraver
* Tomlinson
carved, engraved
* Old Testament (Exodus 20:4 KJV)
Something fashioned by man, or something man-made. Anything made by man's hands.
Something that is not alive, but made dead, from the grave.
:* {{quote-book
, year=1872
, year_published=2009
, edition=HTML
, editor=
, author=James De Mille
, title=The Cryptogram
, chapter=
As adjectives the difference between graver and graven
is that graver is comparative of grave while graven is carved, engraved.As a noun graver
is a burin.As a verb graven is
past participle of lang=en.graver
(en noun)- The graver , in ploughing furrows in the surface of the copper, raises corresponding ridges or burrs.
(-)- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
(head)citation, genre= , publisher=The Gutenberg Project , isbn= , page= , passage=Deep lines were graven on her pale forehead, and on her wan, thin cheeks. }} English adjectives ending in -en ----