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Grade vs Phase - What's the difference?

grade | phase | Related terms |

Grade is a related term of phase.

As nouns the difference between grade and phase

is that grade is rank while phase is phase.

As an adjective grade

is nco or officer (attributive).



(wikipedia grade)


(en noun)
  • A rating.
  • The performance of an individual or group on an examination or test, expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol; a score.
  • A degree or level of something; a position within a scale; a degree of quality.
  • * {{quote-web
  • , year = 1986–2012 , author = paul wheaton permaculture , title = Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat! , site = richsoil.com , url = http://www.richsoil.com/diatomaceous-earth.jsp , accessdate = 2014-03-17 }}
    There are a lot of varieties of diatomaceous earth, so when you are shopping, be sure to get the right stuff!

    Make sure that you get food grade' diatomaceous earth. Some people make 3% of the food they eat be diatomaceous earth. There are claims at parasite control, longevity and all sorts of perks. I know that food '''grade''' diatomaceous earth is used heavily in storing grains - so you are probably already eating lots of diatomaceous earth every time you eat any bread, pasta or other grain based food.

    Farmers feed food '
    diatomaceous earth to their animals to reduce parasites and provide other benefits.
    This fine-grade coin from 1837 is worth a good amount.
  • A slope (up or down) of a roadway or other passage
  • A level of pre-collegiate education.
  • A student of a particular grade (used with the grade level).
  • An area that has been graded by a grader (construction machine)
  • The level of the ground.
  • (label) A gradian.
  • (label) In a linear system of divisors on an n''-dimensional variety, the number of free intersection points of ''n generic divisors.
  • A harsh scraping or cutting; a grating.
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) (John Greenleaf Whittier)
  • The grade of hatchets fiercely thrown / On wigwam-log, and tree, and stone.
  • (label) A taxon united by a level of morphological or physiological complexity that is not a clade.
  • (medicine) The degree of malignity of a tumor expressed on a scale.
  • Synonyms

    * (taxon that is not a clade) paraphyletic group


  • To assign scores to the components of an academic test.
  • To assign a score to overall academic performance.
  • To flatten, level, or smooth a large surface.
  • (label) To remove or trim part of a seam allowance from a finished seam so as to reduce bulk and make the finished piece more even when turned right side out.
  • Derived terms

    {{rel3, gradable , grader , grade school , grade system , make the grade}}


    * (l), (l) * (l) * (l) * (l) ----



    Etymology 1

    From ; compare phantasm and see face.


    (en noun)
  • A distinguishable part of a sequence or cycle occurring over time.
  • That which is exhibited to the eye; the appearance which anything manifests, especially any one among different and varying appearances of the same object.
  • Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view.
  • The problem has many phases .
  • (astronomy) A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form, or the absence, of its enlightened disk; as, the phases of the moon or planets''. Illustrated in .
  • (physics) Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration; one portion of a series of such changes, in distinction from a contrasted portion, as the portion on one side of a position of equilibrium, in contrast with that on the opposite side.
  • (chemistry) A component in a material system that is distinguished by chemical composition and/or physical state (solid, liquid or gas) and/or crystal structure. It is delineated from an adjoining phase by an abrupt change in one or more of those conditions.
  • (rugby union) The period of play between consecutive breakdowns.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=Septembe 24 , author=Ben Dirs , title=Rugby World Cup 2011: England 67-3 Romania , work=BBC Sport citation , page= , passage=When Romania did manage to string together' some ' phases midway through the first half, England's discipline held firm, although on the whole it was a less focused display from the Six Nations champions in the second half.}}
  • (genetics) A haplotype.
  • Verb

  • To begin—if construed with "in"—or to discontinue—if construed with out—(doing) something over a period of time (i.e. in phases).
  • The use of the obsolete machines was gradually phased''' out as the new models were '''phased in.
  • (genetics, informal, transitive) To determine haplotypes in (data) when genotypes are known.
  • To pass into or through a solid object.
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • Usage notes
    See notes at faze .
    Derived terms
    * phase in * phase out * unphased

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) .

    Alternative forms

    * Phase

    Proper noun

    (en proper noun)
  • (obsolete) Passover
  • References


    * * * English terms with homophones ----