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Fullerene vs Graphene - What's the difference?

fullerene | graphene |

In inorganic chemistry terms the difference between fullerene and graphene

is that fullerene is any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules whose atoms lie at the vertices of a polyhedron having 12 pentagonal and 2 or more hexagonal faces while graphene is an arbitrarily large-scale, one-atom-thick layer of graphite, an allotrope of carbon, that has remarkable electric characteristics.

In organic chemistry terms the difference between fullerene and graphene

is that fullerene is any closed-cage compound having twenty or more carbon atoms consisting entirely of 3-coordinate carbon atoms while graphene is any polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having the structure of part of a layer of graphite.




(wikipedia fullerene) (en noun)
  • (inorganic chemistry) any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules whose atoms lie at the vertices of a polyhedron having 12 pentagonal and 2 or more hexagonal faces
  • (organic chemistry) any closed-cage compound having twenty or more carbon atoms consisting entirely of 3-coordinate carbon atoms
  • (chemistry, by extension)Th e class of carbon allotropes consisting of tubular carbon molecules (carbon nanotubes) and spheroidal carbon molecules (traditional fullerenes)
  • See also

    * buckyball * buckytube * nanoparticle * nanotube English eponyms ----



    (en noun)
  • (organic chemistry) Any polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon having the structure of part of a layer of graphite.
  • (inorganic chemistry) An arbitrarily large-scale, one-atom-thick layer of graphite, an allotrope of carbon, that has remarkable electric characteristics.
  • * '>citation
  • Derived terms

    * -ene (monolayer materials similar to graphene) * graphane * penta-graphene

    See also

    * benzene * cycloalkene * diamond * fullerene