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Font vs Wont - What's the difference?

font | wont |

As verbs the difference between font and wont

is that font is while wont is (archaic) to make (someone) used to; to accustom.

As a noun wont is

one’s habitual way of doing things, practice, custom.

As an adjective wont is

(archaic) accustomed or used (to'' or ''with a thing).



Etymology 1

From (etyl) font, from (etyl) .


(en noun)
  • A receptacle in a church for holy water - especially one used in baptism
  • A receptacle for oil in a lamp.
  • (figuratively) spring, source, fountain
  • * 1919 , :
  • The Bible lays special stress on the fear of God as the font of wisdom.

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) fonte, feminine past participle of verb .

    Alternative forms

    * fount (UK)


    (wikipedia font) (en noun)
  • (typography) A set of glyphs of unified design, belonging to one typeface (e.g., Helvetica), style (e.g., italic), and weight (e.g., bold). Usually representing the letters of an alphabet and its supplementary characters.
  • # In metal typesetting, a set of type sorts in one size.
  • # In phototypesetting, a set of patterns forming glyphs of any size, or the film they are stored on.
  • # In digital typesetting, a set of glyphs in a single style, representing one or more alphabets or writing systems, or the computer code representing it.
  • (computing) A computer file containing the code used to draw and compose the glyphs of one or more typographic fonts on a computer display or printer. A font file.
  • Derived terms
    * font family * multilingual font * Unicode font * bitmap font * screen font * outline font * printer font * font suitcase * roman font


    * * Bringhurst, Robert (2002). The Elements of Typographic Style, version 2.5 , pp 291–2. Vancouver, Hartley & Marks. ISBN 0-88179-133-4.

    Etymology 3

    Apparently from (fount), with influence from the senses above (under etymology 1).


    (en noun)
  • (figuratively) A source, wellspring, fount.
  • * 1824 — , canto V
  • A gaudy taste; for they are little skill'd in
    The arts of which these lands were once the font
  • * 1910 — , part II
  • As I am not drawing here on the font of imagination to refresh that of fact and experience, I do not suggest that the Tarot set the example of expressing Secret Doctrine in pictures and that it was followed by Hermetic writers; but it is noticeable that it is perhaps the earliest example of this art.
  • * 1915
  • I am interested to fix your attention on this prospect now because unless you take it within your view and permit the full significance of it to command your thought I cannot find the right light in which to set forth the particular matter that lies at the very font of my whole thought as I address you to-day.



    Etymology 1

    Origin uncertain: apparently a conflation of (wone) and wont (participle adjective, below).


  • One’s habitual way of doing things, practice, custom.
  • He awoke at the crack of dawn, as was his wont .
  • * Milton
  • They are to be called out to their military motions, under sky or covert, according to the season, as was the Roman wont .
  • * 2006 , Orhan Pamuk, My Name Is Red:
  • With a simple-minded desire, and to rid my mind of this irrepressible urge, I retired to a corner of the room, as was my wont [...]
  • * 1920 , James Brown Scott, The United States of America: A Study in International Organization , page 142:
  • As was also the wont of international conferences, a delegate from Pennsylvania, in this instance James Wilson, proposed the appointment of a secretary and nominated William Temple Franklin
  • * 1914 , Items of interest - Page 83:
  • Such conditions, having been the common practice for years, and, existing in a less degree in some localities to the present time, afford a tangible reason for a form of correlation that is more universal than it is the wont of the profession to admit [...]

    Etymology 2

    (etyl) .


  • (archaic) Accustomed or used (to'' or ''with a thing).
  • * Shakespeare
  • I have not that alacrity of spirit, / Nor cheer of mind, that I was wont to have.
  • * 1843 , '', book 2, ch. XI, ''The Abbot’s Ways
  • He could read English Manuscripts very elegantly, elegantissime : he was wont to preach to the people in the English tongue, though according to the dialect of Norfolk, where he had been brought up
  • (designating habitual behaviour) Accustomed, apt (to doing something).
  • He is wont to complain loudly about his job.
    Like a 60-yard Percy Harvin touchdown run or a Joe Haden interception return, Urban Meyer’s jaw-dropping resignation Saturday was, as he’s wont to say, “a game-changer.” — Sunday December 27, 2009, Stewart Mandel, INSIDE COLLEGE FOOTBALL'', ''Meyer’s shocking resignation rocks college coaching landscape
    See also
    * * prone to


    (en verb)
  • (archaic) To make (someone) used to; to accustom.
  • (archaic) To be accustomed.
  • * 1590 , (Edmund Spenser), The Faerie Queene , III.2:
  • But by record of antique times I finde / That wemen wont in warres to beare most sway [...].


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