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Focus vs Maglite - What's the difference?

focus | maglite |

As nouns the difference between focus and maglite

is that focus is (countable|optics) a point at which reflected or refracted rays of light converge while maglite is a kind of flashlight with a variable-focus beam.

As a verb focus

is to cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point.



(wikipedia focus)


  • (countable, optics) A point at which reflected or refracted rays of light converge.
  • (countable, geometry) A point of a conic at which rays reflected from a curve or surface converge.
  • (uncountable, photography, cinematography) The fact of the convergence of light on the photographic medium.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=July-August, author= Catherine Clabby
  • , magazine=(American Scientist), title= Focus on Everything , passage=Not long ago, it was difficult to produce photographs of tiny creatures with every part in focus'.
  • (uncountable, photography, cinematography) The quality of the convergence of light on the photographic medium.
  • (uncountable) Concentration of attention.
  • (countable, seismology) The exact point of where an earthquake occurs, in three dimensions.
  • (computing, graphical user interface) The indicator of the currently active element in a user interface.
  • (linguistics) The most important word or phrase in a sentence or passage, or the one that imparts information.
  • Verb

  • To cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point.
  • To adjust (a lens, an optical instrument) in order to position an image with respect to the focal plane.
  • You'll need to focus the microscope carefully in order to capture the full detail of this surface.
  • To concentrate one's attention.
  • Focus on passing the test.
  • To concentrate one’s attention.
  • If you're going to beat your competitors, you need to focus .

    Usage notes

    The spellings focusses'', ''focussing'', ''focussed'' are more common in Commonwealth English than in American English, but in both varieties they are less common than the spellings ''focuses'', ''focusing'', ''focused .

    Derived terms

    * focus group * in focus * out of focus




    (en noun)
  • A kind of flashlight with a variable-focus beam.
  • * 2006 , Lindsay McKenna, Sisters of the Ark Trilogy (page 153)
  • Had the guards seen the flash of their Maglites in the office? It didn't matter. What did matter was getting the hell out of here in one piece.
  • * 2008 , Paul Sussman, The Last Secret Of The Temple (page 622)
  • They tested it with their feet, gingerly, making sure the wood wasn't rotten, then stepped onto it and shone their Maglites out into the void.
  • * 2010 , Greg Haas with Robert Loss, The Butcher's Thumb (page 150)
  • They unloaded what luggage she'd not bothered to unpack at her apartment in Old Town, and, taking a Maglite from the cabin, treaded down the backside of the hill, Kris bundling the fresh set of clothes Matt had brought for her.