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Fill vs Stay - What's the difference?

fill | stay |

As a proper noun fill

is .

As a noun stay is

(nautical) a strong rope supporting a mast, and leading from the head of one mast down to some other, or other part of the vessel or stay can be a prop; a support.

As a verb stay is

(nautical) to incline forward, aft, or to one side by means of stays or stay can be to prop; support; sustain; hold up; steady.

As an adjective stay is

steep; ascending.

As an adverb stay is




Etymology 1

From (etyl) (m), (m), from (etyl) .


(en verb)
  • (label) To occupy fully, to take up all of.
  • * (Tobias Smollett), translator, (Don Quixote) , part 2, book 5, chapter 4:
  • * (Charles Dickens), , chapter 38:
  • And now that I have given the one chapter to the theme that so filled my heart, and so often made it ache and ache again, I pass on, unhindered, to the event that had impended over me longer yet.
  • (label) To add contents to (a container, cavity or the like) so that it is full.
  • * , chapter=3
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=My hopes wa'n't disappointed. I never saw clams thicker than they was along them inshore flats. I filled my dreener in no time, and then it come to me that 'twouldn't be a bad idee to get a lot more, take 'em with me to Wellmouth, and peddle 'em out. Clams was fairly scarce over that side of the bay and ought to fetch a fair price.}}
  • * 1950 , , The Bachelors of Broken Hill , chapter 11:
  • She continued to frown as she filled Bony's cup and added brandy to her own.
  • * 2005 , (Wendy Coakley-Thompson), , 2006 edition, ISBN 0758207484, page 10 [http://google.com/books?id=D8d9M2Lhe3IC&pg=PA10&dq=fill]:
  • She forgave him the pain as he filled' the cavity in her back molar. Three weeks later, she let him ' fill a more intimate cavity.
  • * 2006 , (Gilbert Morris), Sante Fe Woman , , page 95 [http://google.com/books?id=LepY_wtPjvIC&pg=PA95&dq=%22filled+his+plate%22]:
  • Grat Herendeen was the first man, a huge man with his bull whip coiled and over his shoulder seeming almost a part of him. He grinned at her as she filled his plate with the eggs and motioned toward the bacon. "Help yourself, Grat."
  • To enter (something), making it full.
  • * 1910 May 13, John C. Sherwin, opinion, Delashmutt et al. ''v.'' et al.'', reprinted in volume 126, ''(North Western Reporter) , page 359, at 360:
  • In the evening of the 14th of July, there was a rainfall of 3 or 3½ inches in that locality. The water filled the ditch so full that it overflowed the levees on both sides in many places.
  • * 2004 , Peter Westen, The Logic of Consent , , ISBN 0754624072, page 322 [http://google.com/books?id=17bAKRvHBkcC&pg=PA322&dq=%22as+the+crowd+filled%22]:
  • As the crowd filled the aisles, S repeated loudly what he had announced upon entering the stadium: 'I don't want anyone to touch me, and I will call the police if anyone does.'
  • (label) To become full.
  • (label) To become pervaded with something.
  • (label) To satisfy or obey (an order, request or requirement).
  • (label) To install someone, or be installed, in (a position or office), eliminating a vacancy.
  • * 1866 , , The Negro , pages 18–19 [http://google.com/books?id=E0N-AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA19&dq=filled]:
  • It is impossible to resist the conclusion, which experience and history tend to prove, that, the continuous movement of such a vast body of mankind has been influenced by natural laws, that, the negro has filled the position for which he is fitted by nature, and, that, his services were brought into use when the emergency arose necessitating his employment.
  • * 1891 January 23, Allen Morse, opinion, Lawrence ''v.'' Hanley'', reprinted in volume 47, ''Northwestern Reporter , page 753, at 755:
  • The board of supervisors called a specal(SIC) election to fill the office, and at such special election Henry C. Andrews was elected judge of probate to fill out the said term.
  • (label) To treat (a tooth) by adding a dental filling to it.
  • * "Intimate Diagnosis of Diseased Teeth", in Items of Interest: A Monthly Magazine of Dental Art, Science and Literature , volume 13, number 11, November 1891, page 657 [http://google.com/books?id=eS21AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA657&dq=%22filled+the+molar%22]:
  • Be that as it may, had the disturbance continued after our having filled the molar, and presuming that nothing had been done to the bicuspid, we might have been still as far as ever from knowing where the trouble lay.
  • (label) To fill or supply fully with food; to feed; to satisfy.
  • * Bible, Matthew xv. 33
  • Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Things that are sweet and fat are more filling .
  • To trim (a yard) so that the wind blows on the after side of the sails.
  • Synonyms
    * pervade
    * (add contents to a container or cavity) empty * (to become full) empty
    Derived terms
    {{der3, backfill , filler , fill in , filling , filling station , fill in the blank , fill one's face , fill one's hand , fill out , fill someone's shoes , fill the bill , fill up , refill}}

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) (m), from (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (label) A sufficient or more than sufficient amount.
  • Don't feed him any more: he's had his fill .
  • An amount that fills a container.
  • ''The mixer returned to the plant for another fill .
  • The filling of a container or area.
  • That machine can do 20 fills a minute.
    This paint program supports lines, circles, and textured fills .
  • Inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially in construction.
  • The ruins of earlier buildings were used as fill for more recent construction.
  • (label) Soil and/or human-created debris discovered within a cavity and exposed by excavation; fill soil.
  • Derived terms
    {{der3, , fill soil , , flood fill , landfill , , seed fill}}

    Etymology 3

    See (m).


    (en noun)
  • One of the thills or shafts of a carriage.
  • (Mortimer)
  • * 2008 , Martha E. Green, Pioneers in Pith Helmets
  • It was a challenge to learn to harness him, guide him slowly back between the fills of the carriage, then to fasten the right buckles and snaps, making the harness and buggy all ready for travel to church or to town.
    English ergative verbs 1000 English basic words ----



    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (nautical) A strong rope supporting a mast, and leading from the head of one mast down to some other, or other part of the vessel.
  • A guy, rope, or wire supporting or stabilizing a platform, such as a bridge, a pole, such as a tentpole, the mast of a derrick, or other structural element.
  • The engineer insisted on using stays for the scaffolding.
  • (chain-cable) The transverse piece in a link.
  • Synonyms
    Derived terms
    * backstay * bobstay * forestay * jackstay * mainstay * staylace * stayless * staymaker * stayman * staysail * stayship * triatic stay


    (en verb)
  • (nautical) To incline forward, aft, or to one side by means of stays.
  • stay a mast
  • (nautical) To tack; put on the other tack.
  • to stay ship
  • (nautical) To change; tack; go about; be in stays, as a ship.
  • Etymology 2

    From (etyl) steyen, staien, from (etyl) estayer, . More at (l), (l). Sense of "remain, continue" may be due to later influence from (etyl) ester, , from the same Proto-Indo-European root above; however, derivation from this root is untenable based on linguistic and historical groundsWhitney, Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia , stay.. An alternative etymology derives (etyl) estaye, estaie, from Old (etyl) . More at (l), (l).


    (en verb)
  • To prop; support; sustain; hold up; steady.
  • To stop; detain; keep back; delay; hinder.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • Your ships are stay'd at Venice.
  • * (John Evelyn) (1620-1706)
  • This business staid me in London almost a week.
  • * (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • I was willing to stay my reader on an argument that appeared to me new.
  • * (Bible), (w) xvii. 12
  • Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side.
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • Sallows and reedsfor vineyards useful found / To stay thy vines.
  • To restrain; withhold; check; stop.
  • * (Richard Hooker) (1554-1600)
  • all that may stay their minds from thinking that true which they heartily wish were false
  • To put off; defer; postpone; delay; keep back.
  • To hold the attention of.
  • To bear up under; to endure; to hold out against; to resist.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • She will not stay the siege of loving terms, / Nor bide the encounter of assailing eyes.
  • To wait for; await.
  • To rest; depend; rely.
  • * (w) 30:12, (w)
  • Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • I stay here on my bond.
  • To stop; come to a stand or standstill.
  • To come to an end; cease.
  • That day the storm stayed .
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • Here my commission stays .
  • To dwell; linger; tarry; wait.
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • I must stay a little on one action.
  • To make a stand; stand.
  • To hold out, as in a race or contest; last or persevere to the end.
  • That horse stays well.
  • To remain in a particular place, especially for an indefinite time; sojourn; abide.
  • * (Edmund Spenser) (c.1552–1599)
  • She would command the hasty sun to stay .
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • Stay , I command you; stay and hear me first.
  • * (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) (1807-1882)
  • I stay a little longer, as one stays / To cover up the embers that still burn.
  • * , chapter=5
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=“Well,” I says, “I cal'late a body could get used to Tophet if he stayed there long enough.” ¶ She flared up; the least mite of a slam at Doctor Wool was enough to set her going.}}
  • To wait; rest in patience or expectation.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • I'll tell thee all my whole device / When I am in my coach, which stays for us.
  • * (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • The father cannot stay any longer for the fortune.
  • To wait as an attendant; give ceremonious or submissive attendance.
  • To continue to have a particular quality.
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • The flames augment, and stay / At their full height, then languish to decay.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-21, author=(Oliver Burkeman)
  • , volume=189, issue=2, page=27, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= The tao of tech , passage=The dirty secret of the internet is that all this distraction and interruption is immensely profitable. Web companies like to boast about […], or offering services that let you "stay up to date with what your friends are doing",
  • To support from sinking; to sustain with strength; to satisfy in part or for the time.
  • * Sir (Walter Scott) (1771-1832)
  • He has devoured a whole loaf of bread and butter, and it has not staid his stomach for a minute.
  • (obsolete) To remain for the purpose of; to wait for.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • I stay dinner there.
  • To cause to cease; to put an end to.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • Stay your strife.
  • * (Ralph Waldo Emerson) (1803-1882)
  • For flattering planets seemed to say / This child should ills of ages stay .
  • To fasten or secure with stays.
  • to stay a flat sheet in a steam boiler
    Derived terms
    * bestay * forestay * forstay * gainstay * here to stay * offstay * onstay * outstay * overstay * stay-at-home * stay behind * stay-button * stayer * stay hungry * stay on * stay over * stay put * stay the course * stay up * * understay * unstay * unstayed * upstay
    See also
    * abide * belive * continue * dwell * live * remain * reside


    Etymology 3

    From (etyl) *. See above.


    (en noun)
  • A prop; a support.
  • * Milton
  • My only strength and stay .
  • * Addison
  • Trees serve as so many stays for their vines.
  • * Coleridge
  • Lord Liverpool is the single stay of this ministry.
  • (archaic) A fastening for a garment; a hook; a clasp; anything to hang another thing on.
  • That which holds or restrains; obstacle; check; hindrance; restraint.
  • A stop; a halt; a break or cessation of action, motion, or progress.
  • * Milton
  • Made of sphere metal, never to decay / Until his revolution was at stay .
  • * Hayward
  • Affairs of state seemed rather to stand at a stay .
  • (archaic) A standstill; a state of rest; entire cessation of motion or progress.
  • stand at a stay
  • A postponement, especially of an execution or other punishment.
  • The governor granted a stay of execution.
  • A fixed state; fixedness; stability; permanence.
  • Continuance or a period of time spent in a place; abode for an indefinite time; sojourn.
  • I hope you enjoyed your stay in Hawaii.
  • (nautical) A station or fixed anchorage for vessels.
  • Restraint of passion; prudence; moderation; caution; steadiness; sobriety.
  • * Herbert
  • Not grudging that thy lust hath bounds and stays .
  • * Francis Bacon
  • The wisdom, stay , and moderation of the king.
  • * Philips
  • With prudent stay he long deferred / The rough contention.
  • A piece of stiff material, such as plastic or whalebone, used to stiffen a piece of clothing.
  • Where are the stays for my collar?
  • (obsolete) Hindrance; let; check.
  • * Robynson (More's Utopia)
  • They were able to read good authors without any stay , if the book were not false.
    Derived terms
    * gay for the stay * staycation

    Etymology 4

    From (etyl) , see (l).

    Alternative forms

    * (l), (l), (l), (l)


  • Steep; ascending.
  • (of a roof) Steeply pitched.
  • Difficult to negotiate; not easy to access; sheer.
  • Stiff; upright; unbending; reserved; haughty; proud.
  • Adverb

  • Steeply.
  • Statistics
