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Few vs View - What's the difference?

few | view |

As a proper noun few

is (british) the pilots who fought in the battle of britain.

As a noun view is

(label) visual perception.

As a verb view is

to look at.




  • (preceded by another determiner) An indefinite, but usually small, number of.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-08-10, volume=408, issue=8848, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= A new prescription , passage=No sooner has a [synthetic] drug been blacklisted than chemists adjust their recipe and start churning out a subtly different one. These “legal highs” are sold for the few months it takes the authorities to identify and ban them, and then the cycle begins again.}}
    I was expecting lots of people at the party, but very few''''' (=''almost none'') ''turned up.   Quite a '''few''' of them'' (=''many of them'') ''were pleasantly surprised.   I don't know how many drinks I've had, but I've had a '''few . [This usage is likely ironic.]
  • (used alone) Not many; a small (in comparison with another number stated or implied) but somewhat indefinite number of.
  • (meteorology, of clouds) (US?) Obscuring one eighth to two eighths of the sky.
  • NOAA definition of the term "few clouds": An official sky cover classification for aviation weather observations, descriptive of a sky cover of 1/8 to 2/8. This is applied only when obscuring phenomenon aloft are present--that is, not when obscuring phenomenon are surface-based, such as fog.
  • (meteorology, of rainfall with regard to a location) (US?) Having a 10 percent chance of measurable precipitation (0.01 inch); used interchangeably with isolated.
  • Usage notes

    * (term) is used with plural nouns only; its synonymous counterpart (little) is used with nouns. * Although indefinite in nature, a few is usually more than two (two often being referred to as "a couple of"), and less than "several". If the sample population is say between 5 and 20, a few would mean three or four, but no more than this. However, if the population sample size were in the millions, "a few" could refer to several hundred items. In other words, few'' in this context means ''a very very small percentage but way over the 3 or 4 usually ascribed to it its use with much much smaller numbers. : (term) is grammatically affirmative but semantically negative, and it can license negative polarity items. For example, lift a finger usually cannot be used in affirmative sentences, but can be used in sentences with (term). *: He didn't lift a finger to help us. *: *He lifted a finger to help us. (ungrammatical) *: Few people lifted a finger to help us. *: *A few people lifted a finger to help us. (ungrammatical) *: *Fewer people lifted a finger to help us. (ungrammatical)


    * little (see usage)


    * many

    Derived terms

    * a few * quite a few


    (English Pronouns)
  • Few people, few things.
  • Many are called, but few are chosen.


    * many


    * Meteorology (both senses) *: NOAA Glossary: f




    (en noun)
  • (label) Visual perception.
  • # The act of seeing or looking at something.
  • #* (John Milton) (1608-1674)
  • Thenceforth I thought thee worth my nearer view .
  • #* (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • Objects near our view are thought greater than those of a larger size are more remote.
  • #*{{quote-book, year=1959, author=(Georgette Heyer), title=(The Unknown Ajax), chapter=1
  • , passage=But Richmond
  • # The range of vision.
  • #* (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • The walls of Pluto's palace are in view .
  • # Something to look at, such as scenery.
  • #* (1777-1844)
  • 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view .
  • # (label) Appearance; show; aspect.
  • #* (Edmund Waller) (1606-1687)
  • [Graces] which, by the splendor of her view / Dazzled, before we never knew.
  • A picture, drawn or painted; a sketch.
  • (label) Opinion, judgement, imagination.
  • # A mental image.
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • I have with exact view perused thee, Hector.
  • # A way of understanding something, an opinion, a theory.
  • #* (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • to give a right view of this mistaken part of liberty
  • # A point of view.
  • # An intention or prospect.
  • #* (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • No man sets himself about anything but upon some view or other which serves him for a reason.
  • A virtual or logical table composed of the result set of a query in relational databases.
  • The part of a computer program which is visible to the user and can be interacted with; a user interface.
  • A wake. (rfex)
  • Antonyms

    * (part of computer program) model, controller

    Derived terms

    * angle of view * bankruptcy view * bird's-eye view * by-view * clear view screen * counterview * exploded view * field of view * in full view * in view of * out of view * page view * pay-per-view * point of view * rear-view * viewable * view angle * view camera * viewfinder/view finder * viewgraph * viewless * viewpoint * viewy * worldview/world-view/world view * worm's-eye view/worm's eye view


    (en verb)
  • To look at.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-14, author=(Jonathan Freedland)
  • , volume=189, issue=1, page=18, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Obama's once hip brand is now tainted , passage=Where we once sent love letters in a sealed envelope, or stuck photographs of our children in a family album, now such private material is despatched to servers and clouds operated by people we don't know and will never meet. Perhaps we assume that our name, address and search preferences will be viewed by some unseen pair of corporate eyes, probably not human, and don't mind that much.}}
  • To show.
  • Synonyms

    * See also

    Derived terms

    * preview * review * viewer * viewing

    See also

    * see * look * voyeur



