Fever vs Rus - What's the difference?
fever | rus |
A higher than normal body temperature of a person (or, generally, a mammal), usually caused by disease.
(usually, in combination with one or more preceding words) Any of various diseases.
A state of excitement (of a person or people).
* Shakespeare
A group of stingrays.
To put into a fever; to affect with fever.
A people made up of Scandinavian warrior merchants who travelled Eastern European river-roads from the eighth century, and whose settlements around Kiev and the Dnieper gave rise to the Russian principalities.
* 2009 , (Diarmaid MacCulloch), A History of Christianity , Penguin 2010, p. 504:
The medieval East Slavic state established by these same warrior merchants in the 9th century, whose capital was first in Novgorod and then in Kiev; Kievan Rus.
Any of the medieval East Slavic principalities ruled by this class, especially Kievan Rus.
A person from Rus.
* 1959 , Boris Dmitrievich Grekov, Kiev Rus , Foreign Languages Pub. House, p 244:
* 1959 , Serge? Mikha?lovich Solov’ev, History of Russia from the Earliest Times [2000], v 3 (The Shift Northward: Kievan Rus, 1154–1228), p 223:
* 1973 , Donald W. Treadgold, The West in Russia and China: Religious and Secular Thought in Modern Times , v 1 (Russia, 1472–1917), ISBN 0521097258, p xxxv:
As a noun fever
is fever.As a symbol rus is
the iso 3166-1 three-letter (alpha-3) code for russia.fever
(wikipedia fever)Alternative forms
* fevre (qualifier)Noun
(en noun)- "I have a fever . I think I've caught a cold."
- scarlet fever
- an envious fever
* (higher than normal body temperature): high temperature, pyrexia (medical term ), temperature * (state of excitement): excitation, excitement, passionDerived terms
* abortus fever * absorption fever * acclimating fever * Aden fever * adynamic fever * aestivoautumnal fever, estivoautumnal fever * African Coast fever * African haemorrhagic fever, African hemorrhagic fever * algid pernicious fever * aphthous fever * ardent fever * arthropod-borne fever * artificial fever * aseptic fever * Assam fever * ataxic fever * autumn fever * barrel fever * Bay fever * beaver fever * benign tertian fever * biduoterian fever * biliary fever * bilious fever * bilious remittent fever * black fever * black fly fever * blackwater fever * blue fever * bouquet fever * boutonneuse fever * bovine ephemeral fever * bovine epizootic fever * bovine infectious petechial fever * bovine malignant catarrhal fever * bovine petechial fever * brain fever, brain-fever * brass founder's fever, brassfounder's fever * Brazilian purpuric fever * breakbone fever * buck fever, buck-fever * Bullis fever * bullous fever * Bunyamwera fever * Burdwan fever * Bwamba fever * cabin fever * cachectic fever, cachexial fever * California valley fever * camp fever, camp-fever * cane-cutter fever * cane-field fever, canefield fever * canicola fever * Cape Horn fever * * Carter's fever * cat-bite fever * catarrhal fever * cat fever * catheter fever * cat scratch fever, cat-scratch fever * central fever * cerebro-spinal fever, cerebrospinal fever * Chagres fever * channel fever * Charcot intermittent fever, Charcot's intermittent fever * Charcot's fever * chikungunya fever * childbed fever * childbirth fever * Choix fever * congestive fever * Congolian red fever * Congo red fever * continued fever, continuous fever * cotton fever * cotton-mill fever * country fever * Crimean fever * Cyprus fever * dance fever * dandy fever, dandy-fever * date fever * day-fever * deer fly fever, deer-fly fever * dehydration fever * dengue fever * desert fever * diary fever * digestive fever * diphasic milk fever * disfever * dock fever * double quotidian fever * drug fever * duck fever * dumdum fever * Dutch type periodic fever * East Coast fever * Ebola fever * Ebola virus fever * elephantoid fever * Elokomin fluke fever * enfever * enteric fever * entericoid fever * entrance fever * ephemeral fever * epimastical fever * eruptive fever * essential fever * exanthematous fever * exsiccation fever * falciparum fever * familial Hibernian fever * familial periodic fever * famine fever * farrowing fever * fatigue fever * * feverable * fever ague * fever and ague * fever-bark * fever blister, fever-blister * fever bush, feverbush * fever-chart * fever-cooling * fevered * feveress * feveret * fever-fly * fever grass * fever-heat * fever-hectic * feverish * feverite * fever lent * feverless * fever-lurdan, fever-lurgan * fever-lurden * fever-lurk * feverly * fever-nut * fever of unknown origin * feverous * fever pitch * fever powder, fever-powder * fever ring * * fever root, fever-root * fever-sick * fever sore, fever-sore * fever therapy * fever thermometer * fever-trap * fever treatment * fever tree, fever-tree * fever twig, fever-twig * fever-weakened * fever-weed * fever-wood * fever-wort, feverwort * fevery * field fever * five-day fever * flood fever * fog fever * Fort Bragg fever * food fever * Fort Bragg fever * Foshay-Mollaret cat-scratch fever, Foshay-Mollaret cat-scratch fever syndrome * foundryman's fever * Gambian fever * gaol fever, gaol-fever * gastric fever * gastric remittent fever * Gibraltar fever * glandular fever * gold fever, gold-fever * grain fever * green fever * haematuric bilious fever, hematuric bilious fever * haemoglobinuric fever, hemoglobinuric fever * haemorrhagic fever, hemorrhagic fever * Hankow fever * harvest fever * Hasami fever * Haverhill fever * hay fever, hay-fever * hectic fever * hempen fever * hepatic intermittent fever * herpetic fever * horse sickness fever * hospital fever * humidifier fever * icterohaemorrhagic fever, icterohemorrhagic fever * Ilheus fever * inanition fever * induced fever * inflammatory fever * intermittent fever * inundation fever * island fever * Jaccoud's dissociated fever * jail-fever, jail fever * Japanese flood fever * Japanese river fever * jungle fever, jungle-fever * jungle yellow fever * Junin fever * Katayama fever * Kedani fever * Kenya fever * Kew Gardens fever * Kinkiang fever * Korin fever * * land fever * Lassa fever * Lassa haemorrhagic fever, Lassa hemorrhagic fever * laurel fever * Lazaret fever * lechuguilla fever * Lombard fever * Lone Star fever * lung fever * malarial fever * malignant catarrhal fever * malignant tertian fever * Malta fever * Manchurian fever * Marseilles fever * marsh fever, marsh-fever * Mediterranean coast fever * Mediterranean erythematous fever * Mediterranean exanthematous fever * Mediterranean fever * meningotyphoid fever * metal fume fever * Meuse fever * Mexican fever * Mianeh fever * miliary fever * milk fever, milk-fever * mill fever * Monday fever * monoleptic fever * Mossman fever * mountain fever * mud fever * mumu fever * Murchison-Pel-Ebstein fever * Murchison-Sanderson fever * nanukayami fever * Neapolitan fever * nervous fever * nine mile fever * nodal fever * Ohio River Valley fever * o'nyong-nyong fever * Oropouche fever * Oroya fever * Pahvant Valley fever * paludal fever * papataci fever, papatasi fever, pappataci fever * papular fever * paratyphoid fever * parenteric fever * parrot fever * parturient fever * Pel-Ebstein fever * periodic fever * petechial fever * Pfeiffer's glandular fever * pharyngoconjunctival fever * phlebotomus fever * pink-fever * pinta fever * pituitous fever * polka fever * polyleptic fever * polymer fume fever * Pomona fever * Pontiac fever * Potomac fever * Potomac horse fever * pretibial fever * prison fever, prison-fever * prison fever typhus * protein fever * puerperal fever * puking fever * purple fever * putrid fever * Pym fever, Pym's fever * pyogenic fever * Q fever * query fever * rabbit fever * rat-bite fever, ratbite fever * recrudescent typhus fever * recurrent fever * recurring fever * red fever * redwater fever * relapsing fever * remittent fever * rheumatic fever * Rhodesian fever, Rhodesian redwater fever * rice-field fever * Rift Valley fever * Rock fever, rock fever * Rocky Mountain fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever * Roman fever * rose fever, rose-fever * Ross River fever * rotanny fever * run a fever * sakushu fever * Salinem fever * salt fever * sand-fly fever, sandfly fever * San Joaquin fever, San Joaquin Valley fever * Santa Marta fever * Sao Paulo fever, * scarlet fever * Schamberg fever * * secondary fever * Sennetsu fever * septic fever * Shar Pei fever * shin bone fever * ship fever, ship-fever * shipping fever * shoddy fever * Sindbis fever * slime fever * slow fever * smelter's fever * snail fever * solar fever * Songo fever * South African tick-bite fever, South African tickbite fever * spelter's fever * spirillary fever * spirillum fever * splenic fever * spotted fever * spottled fever * spring fever * sthenic fever * stockyards fever * steroid fever * stranger's fever * streptobacillary fever * summer fever * sun fever * suppurative fever * surgical fever * swamp fever * swine fever * symptomatic fever * syphilitic fever * Texas cattle fever, Texas fever * therapeutic fever * thermic fever * thirst fever * threshing fever * tick-bite fever * tick-borne fever * tick fever * Tobia fever * traumatic fever * trench fever * trypanosome fever * tsutsugamushi fever * typhoid fever * typhus fever * undifferentiated type fever * undulant fever * undulating fever * upgrade fever * urethral fever * urinary fever * urticarial fever * uveoparotid fever * valley fever * verruga fever * vivax fever * war fever * Wesselsbron fever * West African fever * West Nile fever * Whitmore's fever * winter fever * Wolhynia fever * womb fever * worm fever * wound fever * Yangtze Valley fever * yellow fever * Zika fever * zinc fume feverSee also
* hyperthermiaVerb
(en verb)- a fevered lip
- The white hand of a lady fever thee. — Shakespeare.
External links
* * 1000 English basic wordsrus
Alternative forms
* Rus'Proper noun
- In 860 the Rus’ streamed southwards and laid siege to Constantinople itself.
Usage notes
This neutral term is used more often instead of (term) or (term), acknowledging that the Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian people share the heritage of Rus. With this innovation, it is sometimes unclear how to replace the adjective (term) in the same context. Alternatives include using the attributive noun, as in “the Rus princes”, or rewriting to use “of Rus”. The nonstandard adjective (Rusian) is seen very rarely.Synonyms
* Kievan Rus, Kievan Rus', Kyivan Rus, Kyivan Rus' * Russia, medieval Russia * Kiev, Kyiv, Kievan stateDerived terms
* Rusian, Rus'ian (rare)Noun
(Rus)- And if a Rus' hits a Greek, or a Greek a '''Rus with a sword, a spear or any other weapon, he shall pay five litres of silver for his offence, in accordance with Rus law; and if he be unable (insolvent—''Author ) his property shall be sold for the best price it fetches, including the very clothes . . .
- If a Varangian claimed money from a Rus', or a ' Rus from a Varangian, and the debtor refused to pay, the plaintiff, accompanied by twelve witnesses, . . .
- The Church of Kievan Rus knew men well-versed in Scripture and apparently other learning of the time, such as the Metropolitans Ioann II (d. 1089) and Klimetn Smoliatich (twelfth century). The former was Greek, and the latter a Rus .