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Fascinate vs Induce - What's the difference?

fascinate | induce | Related terms |

Fascinate is a related term of induce.

As verbs the difference between fascinate and induce

is that fascinate is to evoke an intense interest or attraction in someone while induce is to lead by persuasion or influence; incite.




  • To evoke an intense interest or attraction in someone
  • The flickering TV fascinated the cat.
  • To make someone hold motionless; to spellbind
  • We were fascinated by the potter's skill.
  • To be irresistibly charming or attractive to
  • Her gait fascinates all men.




  • To lead by persuasion or influence; incite.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=The Celebrity, by arts unknown, induced Mrs. Judge Short and two other ladies to call at Mohair on an afternoon when Mr. Cooke was trying a trotter on the track. The three returned wondering and charmed with Mrs. Cooke; they were sure she had had no hand in the furnishing of that atrocious house.}}
  • To cause, bring about, lead to.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2012, date=May 20, author=Nathan Rabin, work=The Onion AV Club
  • , title= TV: Review: THE SIMPSONS (CLASSIC): “Marge Gets A Job” (season 4, episode 7; originally aired 11/05/1992) , passage=A mere glance at the plot descriptions of the show’s fourth season is enough to induce Pavlovian giggle fits and shivers of joy. }}
  • (physics) To cause or produce (electric current or a magnetic state) by a physical process of induction.
  • (logic) To infer by induction.
  • (obsolete) To lead in, bring in, introduce.
  • (obsolete) To draw on, place upon.
  • Synonyms

    * (to cause) bring about, instigate, prompt, stimulate, trigger, provoke


    * (logic) deduce




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