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Familiarity vs Relatability - What's the difference?

familiarity | relatability |

As nouns the difference between familiarity and relatability

is that familiarity is the state of being extremely friendly; intimacy while relatability is the quality of being relatable.




  • The state of being extremely friendly; intimacy.
  • *, II.8:
  • It is also folly and injustice to deprive childrenof their fathers familiaritie , and ever to shew them a surly, austere, grim, and disdainefull countenance, hoping thereby to keepe them in awfull feare and duteous obedience.
  • Undue intimacy; inappropriate informality, impertinence.
  • * 1927 , G K Chesterton, The Return of Don Quixote , p.5:
  • Murrel did not in the least object to being called a monkey, yet he always felt a slight distaste when Julian Archer called him one.It had to do with a fine shade between familiarity and intimacy which men like Murrel are never ready to disregard, however ready they may be to black their faces.
  • An instance of familiar behaviour.
  • Close or habitual acquaintance with someone or something; understanding or recognition acquired from experience.
  • Derived terms

    * familiarity breeds contempt




  • The quality of being relatable.
  • *{{quote-news, year=2009, date=July 19, author=Jon Caramanica, title=Tween Princess, Tweaked, work=New York Times citation
  • , passage=But where in the not-too-distant past that would have meant she was an automaton of joy and relatability , Ms. Lovato is already proving to be far more intriguing, and far less predictable. }}


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