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Fall vs Fill - What's the difference?

fall | fill |

As a verb fall

is .

As a proper noun fill is




(wikipedia fall)


  • To move downwards.
  • #To move to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
  • #:
  • #*
  • #*:There was a neat hat-and-umbrella stand, and the stranger's weary feet fell soft on a good, serviceable dark-red drugget, which matched in colour the flock-paper on the walls.
  • #To come down, to drop or descend.
  • #:
  • #*1920 , (Herman Cyril McNeile), (Bulldog Drummond) , Ch.1:
  • #*:Her eyes fell on the table, and she advanced into the room wiping her hands on her apron.
  • #To come to the ground deliberately, to prostrate oneself.
  • #:
  • #To be brought to the ground.
  • (lb) To be moved downwards.
  • #(lb) To let fall; to drop.
  • #*(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • #*:For every tear he falls , a Trojan bleeds.
  • #(lb) To sink; to depress.
  • #:
  • # To fell; to cut down.
  • #:
  • (lb) To happen, to change negatively.
  • #(lb) To become.
  • #:
  • #To occur (on a certain day of the week, date, or similar); (said of an instance of a recurring event such as a holiday or date).
  • #:
  • #(lb) To collapse; to be overthrown or defeated.
  • #:
  • # To die, especially in battle or by disease.
  • #:
  • #(lb) To become lower (in quantity, pitch, etc.).
  • #:
  • #*Sir (c.1569-1626)
  • #*:The greatness of these Irish lords suddenly fell and vanished.
  • #*1835 , Sir , Sir (James Clark Ross), Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North-west Passage …, Vol.1 , pp.284-5:
  • #*:Towards the following morning, the thermometer fell to 5°; and at daylight, there was not an atom of water to be seen in any direction.
  • #*{{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-20, volume=408, issue=8845, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Old soldiers? , passage=Whether modern, industrial man is less or more warlike than his hunter-gatherer ancestors is impossible to determine.
  • #(lb) To become; to be affected by or befallen with a calamity; to change into the state described by words following; to become prostrated literally or figuratively .
  • #:
  • (lb) To be allotted to; to arrive through chance, fate, or inheritance.
  • :
  • *(Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • *:If to her share some female errors fall , / Look on her face, and you'll forget them all.
  • To diminish; to lessen or lower.
  • * (John Locke) (1632-1705)
  • *:Upon lessening interest to four per cent, you fall the price of your native commodities.
  • To bring forth.
  • :
  • :(Shakespeare)
  • To issue forth into life; to be brought forth; said of the young of certain animals.
  • :(Shakespeare)
  • To descend in character or reputation; to become degraded; to sink into vice, error, or sin.
  • *(Bible)}, (w) iv.11:
  • *:Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
  • To become ensnared or entrapped; to be worse off than before.
  • :
  • To assume a look of shame or disappointment; to become or appear dejected; said of the face.
  • *(Bible), (w) iv.5:
  • *:Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell .
  • *(Joseph Addison) (1672–1719)
  • *:I have observed of late thy looks are fallen .
  • To happen; to come to pass; to chance or light (upon).
  • *(Jonathan Swift) (1667–1745)
  • *:The Romans fell on this model by chance.
  • *(Bible), (w) iii.18:
  • *:Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall .
  • *(Herbert Spenser) (1820-1903)
  • *:Primitive mendo not make laws, they fall into customs.
  • To begin with haste, ardour, or vehemence; to rush or hurry.
  • :
  • *(Benjamin Jowett) (1817-1893) ((Thucydides))
  • *:They now no longer doubted, but fell to work heart and soul.
  • To be dropped or uttered carelessly.
  • :
  • Quotations

    * , Andrew Wi?e (publisher, 1598 — second quarto), Act V, Scene 3: *: Ghoa?t [of Clarence]. / To morrow in the battaile thinke on me, / And fall thy edgele??e ?word, di?paire and die.


    * (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity) drop, plummet, plunge * (come down) come down, descend, drop * (come to the ground deliberately) drop, lower oneself, prostrate oneself * (be brought to the ground) * : be beaten by, be defeated by, be overthrown by, be smitten by, be vanquished by, * (die) die * (be allotted to) be the responsibility of, be up to * : dip, drop * (become) become, get * : cut down (of a tree), fell, knock down, knock over, strike down


    * (come down) ascend, go up, rise * (come to the ground deliberately) get up, pick oneself up, stand up * : beat, defeat, overthrow, smite, vanquish * : rise

    Derived terms

    * the apple does not fall far from the tree * the * the curtain falls * fair fall * fallable * fall aboard * fall aboard of * fall about * fall about someone's ears * fall abreast of * fall abroad of * fall across * fall adown * fall afire * fall afoul * fall afoul of * fall after * fallage * fall all over someone or oneself * fall among * fall apart * fall asleep * fall aslope * fall astern * fall asunder * fall at * fall at the crest * fall at the first fence, fall at the first hurdle * fall away * fall back * * fall back on, fall back upon * fall behind, fall behindhand * fall between the cracks * fall between two stools * fall by * fall by the wayside * fall calm * fall dead * fall down * fall down on * fall due * fallen * faller * fall flat * fall flat on one's face * fall for * fall forth * fall foul * fall foul of, fall foul with * fall from * fall from grace * fall heir * fall home * fall ill * fall in * fall in age * fall in flesh * fall in for * falling * fall in line * fall in love * fall in mold, fall in mould * fall in one's road * fall in one's way * fall in somebody's heart, fall in someone's heart * fall in somebody's mind, fall in someone's mind * fall into one's hands * fall into one's lap * fall in two * fall in upon * fall in with * fall into * fall into line * fall into place * fall into somebody's heart, fall into someone's heart * fall into somebody's mind, fall into someone's mind * fall of * fall off * fall off the turnip truck * fall on * fall on board * fall on deaf ears * fall one's crest * fall on one's face * fall on one's feet * fall on shore * fall on sleep * fall on one's knees * fall on one's sword * fall on the crest * fall open * fall out * fall out in * fall out of * fall out upon * fall out with * fall over * fall over oneself * fall over one's feet * fall pregnant * fall prey to * fall short * fall short of * fall short to * fall sick * fall silent * fallstreaks, fallstreifen * fall through * fall through the cracks * fall to * fall to be * fall together * fall to loggerheads * fall to mold, fall to mould * fall to oneself * fall to one's knees * fall to one's lot * fall to one's share * fall to pieces * fall to powder * fall to the ground * fall under * fall unto * fall upon * fall victim to * fall what can fall, fall what will fall * fall with * fall within * foul fall * let fall * let the chips fall where they may * may fall, may-fall * misfall * overfall * the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain * refall * tendency of the rate of profit to fall * to-fall * under-fall *


    (en noun)
  • The act of moving to a lower position under the effect of gravity.
  • A reduction in quantity, pitch, etc.
  • *
  • *:“I'm through with all pawn-games,” I laughed. “Come, let us have a game of lansquenet. Either I will take a farewell fall out of you or you will have your sevenfold revenge”.
  • A loss of greatness or status.
  • (label) A crucial event or circumstance.
  • # The action of a batsman being out.
  • # (label) A defect in the ice which causes stones thrown into an area to drift in a given direction.
  • # (label) An instance of a wrestler being pinned to the mat.
  • Blame or punishment for a failure or misdeed.
  • The part of the rope of a tackle to which the power is applied in hoisting.
  • See'' falls'''
  • An old Scots unit of measure equal to six ells.
  • Synonyms

    * (act of moving to a lower position) descent, drop * (reduction) decrease, dip, drop, lowering, reduction * (season) autumn * (loss of greatness or status) downfall * rap


    * (act of moving to a lower position under the effect of gravity) ascent, rise * (reduction) increase, rise * (loss of greatness or status) ascent, rise

    Derived terms

    * accidental fall * angle of fall * ash fall, ashfall * backfall * best-of-three-falls match * block and fall * break a fall * break-fall, breakfall * break one's fall * byfall * catfall * center of falls, centre of falls * chainfall * crossfall * darkfall * dead fall, dead-fall, deadfall * dew-fall, dewfall * dog-fall, dogfall * downfall * dustfall * earthfall * even-fall, evenfall * fall-and-rise phenomenon * fall armyworm * fall and tackle * fall block, fall-block * fall-blooming * fall-board, fallboard * fall-breaker * fall-bridge * fall cankerworm * (Fall Classic) * fall-cloud * fall colors * fall dandelion * fall-door * fall duck * fall equinox * fall factor * fall-fish, fallfish * fall foliage * fall-forward * fall from grace * fall front * fall-front desk * fall guy, fall-guy * fall herring * fall-iron door * fall-leaf * fall-less * fall line, fall-line * fall money * The (Fall of Baghdad) * The (Fall of Constantinople) * fall of day * the (w) * the Fall of Man, the fall of man * The (Fall of Saigon) * fall of the leaf * fall of the perch * the (w), the (Fall of Rome) * fall of wicket * fall overturn * fall-pipe * fall-pippin * fall rate * fall-rise * fall-rope * fall-run fish * falls * (Falls-to-Falls Corridor) * fall time * fall-trap * fall turnover * fall-way * fall webworm * fall wind, fall-wind * fall-window * fall-wood * fally * fall zone * fish fall * foot-fall, footfall * free fall * give a fall * ice fall, ice-fall * infall * jaw-fall, jawfall * landfall * law-fall * leaf-fall * litterfall * mid-fall, midfall * misfall * mouse-fall * near-fall * nightfall * offal * onfall * outfall * overfall * parachute landing fall * pinfall * pitfall * planetfall * prat-fall, pratfall, pratt-fall * pressure-fall center, pressure-fall centre * pride comes before a fall, pride goes before a fall, pride goeth before a fall * proudfall * rainfall * ride for a fall * rises and falls * rock-fall, rockfall * roof fall * root-fall * shake a fall * shout-and-fall * slip and fall * smokefall * snow-fall, snowfall * speck falls * stiff board fall * sunfall * Swedish fall * tackle fall * take the fall * technical fall * terminal fall velocity * threadfall * throughfall * toe drain and outfall * trad fall * trap-fall, trapfall * try a fall * two-out-of-three-falls match * underfall * waterfall * whale fall * windfall * withfall * wrestle a fall * zipper fall

    See also

    * falls * [http://hea-www.harvard.edu/ECT/Words/
  • fall]
  • fill


    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) (m), (m), from (etyl) .


    (en verb)
  • (label) To occupy fully, to take up all of.
  • * (Tobias Smollett), translator, (Don Quixote) , part 2, book 5, chapter 4:
  • * (Charles Dickens), , chapter 38:
  • And now that I have given the one chapter to the theme that so filled my heart, and so often made it ache and ache again, I pass on, unhindered, to the event that had impended over me longer yet.
  • (label) To add contents to (a container, cavity or the like) so that it is full.
  • * , chapter=3
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=My hopes wa'n't disappointed. I never saw clams thicker than they was along them inshore flats. I filled my dreener in no time, and then it come to me that 'twouldn't be a bad idee to get a lot more, take 'em with me to Wellmouth, and peddle 'em out. Clams was fairly scarce over that side of the bay and ought to fetch a fair price.}}
  • * 1950 , , The Bachelors of Broken Hill , chapter 11:
  • She continued to frown as she filled Bony's cup and added brandy to her own.
  • * 2005 , (Wendy Coakley-Thompson), , 2006 edition, ISBN 0758207484, page 10 [http://google.com/books?id=D8d9M2Lhe3IC&pg=PA10&dq=fill]:
  • She forgave him the pain as he filled' the cavity in her back molar. Three weeks later, she let him ' fill a more intimate cavity.
  • * 2006 , (Gilbert Morris), Sante Fe Woman , , page 95 [http://google.com/books?id=LepY_wtPjvIC&pg=PA95&dq=%22filled+his+plate%22]:
  • Grat Herendeen was the first man, a huge man with his bull whip coiled and over his shoulder seeming almost a part of him. He grinned at her as she filled his plate with the eggs and motioned toward the bacon. "Help yourself, Grat."
  • To enter (something), making it full.
  • * 1910 May 13, John C. Sherwin, opinion, Delashmutt et al. ''v.'' et al.'', reprinted in volume 126, ''(North Western Reporter) , page 359, at 360:
  • In the evening of the 14th of July, there was a rainfall of 3 or 3½ inches in that locality. The water filled the ditch so full that it overflowed the levees on both sides in many places.
  • * 2004 , Peter Westen, The Logic of Consent , , ISBN 0754624072, page 322 [http://google.com/books?id=17bAKRvHBkcC&pg=PA322&dq=%22as+the+crowd+filled%22]:
  • As the crowd filled the aisles, S repeated loudly what he had announced upon entering the stadium: 'I don't want anyone to touch me, and I will call the police if anyone does.'
  • (label) To become full.
  • (label) To become pervaded with something.
  • (label) To satisfy or obey (an order, request or requirement).
  • (label) To install someone, or be installed, in (a position or office), eliminating a vacancy.
  • * 1866 , , The Negro , pages 18–19 [http://google.com/books?id=E0N-AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA19&dq=filled]:
  • It is impossible to resist the conclusion, which experience and history tend to prove, that, the continuous movement of such a vast body of mankind has been influenced by natural laws, that, the negro has filled the position for which he is fitted by nature, and, that, his services were brought into use when the emergency arose necessitating his employment.
  • * 1891 January 23, Allen Morse, opinion, Lawrence ''v.'' Hanley'', reprinted in volume 47, ''Northwestern Reporter , page 753, at 755:
  • The board of supervisors called a specal(SIC) election to fill the office, and at such special election Henry C. Andrews was elected judge of probate to fill out the said term.
  • (label) To treat (a tooth) by adding a dental filling to it.
  • * "Intimate Diagnosis of Diseased Teeth", in Items of Interest: A Monthly Magazine of Dental Art, Science and Literature , volume 13, number 11, November 1891, page 657 [http://google.com/books?id=eS21AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA657&dq=%22filled+the+molar%22]:
  • Be that as it may, had the disturbance continued after our having filled the molar, and presuming that nothing had been done to the bicuspid, we might have been still as far as ever from knowing where the trouble lay.
  • (label) To fill or supply fully with food; to feed; to satisfy.
  • * Bible, Matthew xv. 33
  • Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Things that are sweet and fat are more filling .
  • To trim (a yard) so that the wind blows on the after side of the sails.
  • Synonyms
    * pervade
    * (add contents to a container or cavity) empty * (to become full) empty
    Derived terms
    {{der3, backfill , filler , fill in , filling , filling station , fill in the blank , fill one's face , fill one's hand , fill out , fill someone's shoes , fill the bill , fill up , refill}}

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) (m), from (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (label) A sufficient or more than sufficient amount.
  • Don't feed him any more: he's had his fill .
  • An amount that fills a container.
  • ''The mixer returned to the plant for another fill .
  • The filling of a container or area.
  • That machine can do 20 fills a minute.
    This paint program supports lines, circles, and textured fills .
  • Inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially in construction.
  • The ruins of earlier buildings were used as fill for more recent construction.
  • (label) Soil and/or human-created debris discovered within a cavity and exposed by excavation; fill soil.
  • Derived terms
    {{der3, , fill soil , , flood fill , landfill , , seed fill}}

    Etymology 3

    See (m).


    (en noun)
  • One of the thills or shafts of a carriage.
  • (Mortimer)
  • * 2008 , Martha E. Green, Pioneers in Pith Helmets
  • It was a challenge to learn to harness him, guide him slowly back between the fills of the carriage, then to fasten the right buckles and snaps, making the harness and buggy all ready for travel to church or to town.
    English ergative verbs 1000 English basic words ----