Evolutionary vs False - What's the difference?
evolutionary | false |
Of or relating to evolution.
*{{quote-magazine, date=2013-03
, author=
, title=The Smallest Cell
, volume=101, issue=2, page=83
, magazine=
Untrue, not factual, factually incorrect.
*{{quote-book, year=1551, year_published=1888
, title= Based on factually incorrect premises: false legislation
Spurious, artificial.
*:At her invitation he outlined for her the succeeding chapters with terse military accuracy?; and what she liked best and best understood was avoidance of that false modesty which condescends, turning technicality into pabulum.
(lb) Of a state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result.
Uttering falsehood; dishonest or deceitful.
Not faithful or loyal, as to obligations, allegiance, vows, etc.; untrue; treacherous.
*(John Milton) (1608-1674)
*:I to myself was false , ere thou to me.
Not well founded; not firm or trustworthy; erroneous.
*(Edmund Spenser) (c.1552–1599)
*:whose false foundation waves have swept away
Not essential or permanent, as parts of a structure which are temporary or supplemental.
(lb) Out of tune.
As adjectives the difference between evolutionary and false
is that evolutionary is of or relating to evolution while false is (label) one of two states of a boolean variable; logic.evolutionary
(head)citation, passage=It is likely that the long evolutionary' trajectory of ''Mycoplasma'' went from a reductive autotroph to oxidative heterotroph to a cell-wall–defective degenerate parasite. This ' evolutionary trajectory assumes the simplicity to complexity route of biogenesis, a point of view that is not universally accepted.}}
- The evolutionary history of marine mammals includes land-dwelling ancestors.
Derived terms
* antievolutionary, anti-evolutionary * coevolutionary, co-evolutionary * evolutionarily * evolutionary adaptation * evolutionary adaptedness * evolutionary advance * evolutionary analysis * evolutionary algorithm * evolutionary altruism * evolutionary ancestor * evolutionary ancestry * evolutionary anthropologist * evolutionary anthropology * evolutionary arms race * evolutionary basis * evolutionary behavior, evolutionary behaviour * evolutionary biologist * evolutionary biology * evolutionary biology topic * evolutionary cause * evolutionary center, evolutionary centre * evolutionary change * evolutionary Christ * evolutionary Christian * evolutionary Christianity * evolutionary convergence * evolutionary descent * evolutionary concept * evolutionary conception * evolutionary computation * evolutionary development * evolutionary developmental biologist * evolutionary developmental biology * evolutionary divergence * evolutionary diversification * evolutionary diversity * evolutionary dynamics * evolutionary dynamism * evolutionary ecologist * evolutionary ecology * evolutionary embryologist * evolutionary embryology * evolutionary ethicist * evolutionary ethics * evolutionary ethologist * evolutionary ethology * evolutionary event * evolutionary evangel * evolutionary evangelism * evolutionary evangelist * evolutionary fitness * evolutionary force * evolutionary foundation * evolutionary future * evolutionary game * evolutionary game theory * evolutionary geneticist * evolutionary genetics * evolutionary gospel * evolutionary historian * evolutionary history * evolutionary history of life * evolutionary hypothesis * evolutionary idea * evolutionary ideologue * evolutionary ideology * evolutionary impact * evolutionary innovation * evolutionary level * evolutionary machine * evolutionary machinery * evolutionary mechanism * evolutionary metaphor * evolutionary method * evolutionary methodology * evolutionary morphologist * evolutionary morphology * evolutionary naturalism * evolutionary naturalist * evolutionary natural selection * evolutionary neuroscience * evolutionary neuroscientist * evolutionary novelty * evolutionary origin * evolutionary palaeontologist, evolutionary paleontologist * evolutionary palaeontology, evolutionary paleontology * evolutionary past * evolutionary pattern * evolutionary Pentecostal * evolutionary Pentecostalism * evolutionary philospher * evolutionary philosophy * evolutionary phylogeny * evolutionary physiologist * evolutionary physiology * evolutionary plasticity * evolutionary point * evolutionary point of view * evolutionary present * evolutionary pressure * evolutionary principle * evolutionary process * evolutionary Protestant * evolutionary Protestantism * evolutionary psychologist * evolutionary psychology * evolutionary radiation * evolutionary reconstruction * evolutionary relation * evolutionary relationship * evolutionary relative * evolutionary research * evolutionary researcher * evolutionary science * evolutionary scientist * evolutionary selection * evolutionary selection pressure * evolutionary social psychologist * evolutionary social psychology * evolutionary speciation * evolutionary species * evolutionary species concept * evolutionary stable equilibrium * evolutionary stable strategy * evolutionary stage * evolutionary stasis * evolutionary status * evolutionary structure * evolutionary success * evolutionary synthesis * evolutionary theoretician * evolutionary theorist * evolutionary theory * evolutionary thinker * evolutionary thinking * evolutionary thought * evolutionary time * evolutionary timeline * evolutionary tree * evolutionary tree diagram * evolutionary view * evolutionary viewpoint * evolutionary world * evolutionary worldview * macroevolutionary, macro-evolutionary * microevolutionary, micro-evolutionary * nonevolutionary, non-evolutionary * postevolutionary, post-evolutionary * preevolutionary, pre-evolutionary * proevolutionary, pro-evolutionary * protoevolutionary, proto-evolutionary * pseudoevolutionary, pseudo-evolutionaryfalse
(er)A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles: Founded Mainly on the Materials Collected by the Philological Society, section=Part 1, publisher=Clarendon Press, location=Oxford, editor= , volume=1, page=217 , passage=Also the rule of false position, with dyuers examples not onely vulgar, but some appertaynyng to the rule of Algeber.}}