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Evolution vs Switch - What's the difference?

evolution | switch |

As nouns the difference between evolution and switch

is that evolution is evolution while switch is a device to turn electric current on]] and [[turn off|off or direct its flow.

As a verb switch is

to exchange.

As an adjective switch is

(snowboarding) riding with their opposite foot forward from their natural position bbc sport, [http://wwwbbccouk/sport/0/winter-olympics/26141070 "sochi 2014: a jargon-busting guide to the halfpipe"], 11 february 2014 .



(en noun)
  • The process of accumulating change.
  • A progression of change, often branching and diversifying in the process.
  • (general) Gradual directional change especially one leading to a more advanced or complex form; growth; development.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Ben Travers), title=(A Cuckoo in the Nest)
  • , chapter=4 citation , passage=By some paradoxical evolution rancour and intolerance have been established in the vanguard of primitive Christianity. Mrs. Spoker, in common with many of the stricter disciples of righteousness, was as inclement in demeanour as she was cadaverous in aspect.}}
  • * 1976 , (Richard Dawkins), (The Selfish Gene) :
  • There are some examples of cultural evolution' in birds and monkeys, but it is our own species that really shows what cultural ' evolution can do.
  • * 2005 , (Eckhart Tolle), (A New Earth) :
  • Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of consciousness and the burning up of the ego.
  • (biology) The change in the genetic composition of a population over successive generations.
  • * 1976 , (Richard Dawkins), (The Selfish Gene) :
  • [Some books have] made the erroneous assumption that the important thing in evolution is the good of the species (or the group) rather than the good of the individual (or the gene).
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=May-June, author= Katrina G. Claw
  • , title= Rapid Evolution in Eggs and Sperm , volume=101, issue=3, magazine=(American Scientist) , passage=Many genes with reproductive roles also have antibacterial and immune functions, which indicate that the threat of microbial attack on the sperm or egg may be a major influence on rapid evolution during reproduction.}}
  • (chemistry) The act or an instance of giving off gas; emission.
  • (mathematics) The extraction of a root from a quantity.
  • (military) One of a series of ordered movements.
  • (dance, sports) A turning movement of the body.
  • * 1869 , Anon., Miss Langley's Will :
  • It was a critical instant: the pirouette -- it would fail, she feared. … the rapid whirl achieved in exact time, the whole evolution executed to perfection.
  • * 1825 , Theodore Edward Hook, Sayings and Doings: Passion and principle :
  • … as he beheld the tenfold pirouette of a lovely girl, which presented to the public eye the whole of her form and figure; … to praise the dexterity and ease with which the unfortunate and degraded creature had performed the ungraceful evolution , the only merit of which, is the gross exposition of person, at which modesty shudders […]
  • * 1863 , Knightley Willia Horlock, The master of the hounds :
  • "Look now, that pirouette -- my stars! how Beauchamp would stare to see his darling perform such an evolution !"
  • * 1869 , William Clarke, The boy's own book :
  • By this operation each foot will describe an arc or segment of a circle. … This evolution is performed sometimes on one foot, sometimes on the other …


    * (accumulation of change) stagnation * (gradual process) revolution * (survival through adaptation) extinction

    Derived terms

    * biological evolution * coevolution, co-evolution * cosmic evolution * cultural evolution * emergent evolution * evolution denial * evolution denier * genetic evolution * macroevolution * microevolution * organic evolution * planetary evolution * social evolution * stellar evolution

    See also

    * Darwinism




  • A device to turn electric current on]] and [[turn off, off or direct its flow.
  • A change.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=January 19 , author=Jonathan Stevenson , title=Leeds 1 - 3 Arsenal , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=Wenger sent on Cesc Fabregas and Van Persie to try to finish Leeds off and with 14 minutes left the switch paid off as the Spaniard sent Bendtner away down the right and his wonderful curling cross was headed in by Van Persie at the far post. }}
  • (rail transport, US) A movable section of railroad track which allows the train to be directed down one of two destination tracks; point.
  • A slender woody plant stem used as a whip; a thin, flexible rod, associated with corporal punishment in the United States.
  • * 2007 , Jeffrey W. Hamilton, Raising Godly Children in a Wicked World , Lulu.com, page 15:
  • "A proper switch is a slim, flexible branch off a tree or a bush. A switch applied to the buttocks stings fiercely. It may leave red marks or bruises, but it causes no lasting damage. ."
  • (computer science) A command line notation allowing specification of optional behavior.
  • Use the /b switch to specify black-and-white printing.
  • (computing, programming) A programming construct that takes different actions depending on the value of an expression.
  • * 2004', "Curt", ''Can I use IF statements, and still use '''switches ?'' (on newsgroup ''microsoft.public.word.mailmerge.fields )
  • (computing, networking) A networking device connecting multiple wires, allowing them to communicate simultaneously, when possible. Compare to the less efficient hub device that solely duplicates network packets to each wire.
  • (telecommunication) A system of specialized relays, computer hardware, or other equipment which allows the interconnection of a calling party's telephone line with any called party's line.
  • (BDSM) One who is willing to take either a sadistic or a masochistic role.
  • * 2012 , Terri-Jean Bedford, Bondage Bungalow Fantasies (page 99)
  • Ideally, if one of your ladies happens to be a switch (or would be willing to switch for this scene), I would love to be able to inflict a little "revenge tickling" as well, as part of a scenario.
  • A separate mass or tress of hair, or of some substance (such as jute) made to resemble hair, formerly worn on the head by women.
  • Synonyms

    * (section of railroad track) (UK ) points * (whip) crop * (command-line notation) flag, option, specifier

    Derived terms

    * asleep at the switch * dipswitch * light switch * railway switch * switchback * switchblade * switchboard * switcheroo * switchout


  • To exchange.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838
  • , page=13 (Technology Quarterly), magazine=(The Economist) , title= Ideas coming down the track , passage=A “moving platform” scheme
  • To change (something) to the specified state using a switch.
  • To whip or hit with a switch.
  • * 1899 , (Joseph Conrad),
  • They were looking on the ground, absorbed in thought. The manager was switching his leg with a slender twig: his sagacious relative lifted his head.
  • To change places, tasks, etc.
  • (slang) To get angry suddenly; to quickly or unreasonably become enraged.
  • To swing or whisk.
  • to switch a cane
  • To be swung or whisked.
  • The angry cat's tail switched back and forth.
  • To trim.
  • to switch a hedge
  • To turn from one railway track to another; to transfer by a switch; generally with off'', ''from , etc.
  • to switch''' off a train; to '''switch a car from one track to another
  • (ecclesiastical) To shift to another circuit.
  • Adjective

  • (snowboarding) riding with their opposite foot forward from their natural position. BBC Sport, "Sochi 2014: A jargon-busting guide to the halfpipe", 11 February 2014
  • Coordinate terms

    (snowboarding) * goofy * regular

    See also

    * switch off * switch on

