Eurus vs Zephyrus - What's the difference?
eurus | zephyrus |
(Greek god) The god of the East Wind.
(poetic) The east wind personified.
* {{quote-journal
, date = 1713-06-10
, title = How to Make an Epic Poem
, journal = Guardian
, first = Alexander
, last = Pope
, authorlink = Alexander Pope
, passage = For a Tempest. Take Eurus , Zephyr, Auster and Boreas, and cast them together in one verse.
, url =
(Greek god) The Ancient Greek god of the west wind, supposed to be the gentlest of the winds and the messenger of spring. His parents are Eos/Aurora and Astraeus, and his brothers are Boreas, Notus and Eurus, (the Anemoi), and the Astra Planeta. His wife is Chloris and their son is Karpos. His Roman counterpart is Favonius.