Entituled vs Entitule - What's the difference?
entituled | entitule |
* 1790 , George Washington, Patent letter
* 1714', (l) , ''Some Important Points of Primitive Chri?tianity Maintained and Defended'' (2nd ed.), volume III, discourse IV: “The Con?ub?tantiality Coeternity the Son of God with God the Father, A??erted; or ?ome few Animadver?ions on a Treati?e of Mr. ''Gilbert Clerke'', '''entituled''' ''Anteniceni?mus'', ?o far as the ?aid Author pretends to an?wer Dr. George Bull s Defen?e of the Nicene Faith, &c.”,
As verbs the difference between entituled and entitule
is that entituled is past tense of entitule while entitule is an archaic spelling of entitle.entituled
(head)- These are therefore in pursuance of the Act, entituled “An Act to promote the Progre?s of useful Arts” […]
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