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Engage vs Visit - What's the difference?

engage | visit |

As verbs the difference between engage and visit

is that engage is while visit is to shriek, scream, shrill, screech, squeal, squeak.



(wikipedia engage)

Alternative forms

* ingage (obsolete)


  • To interact socially.
  • #To engross or hold the attention of; to keep busy or occupied.
  • #*(Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • #*:Thus shall mankind his guardian care engage .
  • #To draw into conversation.
  • #*(Nathaniel Hawthorne) (1804-1864)
  • #*:the difficult task of engaging him in conversation
  • #To attract, to please; (archaic) to fascinate or win over (someone).
  • #*(Joseph Addison) (1672-1719)
  • #*:Good nature engages everybody to him.
  • (lb) To interact antagonistically.
  • #(lb) To enter into conflict with (an enemy).
  • #*(Fitz Hugh Ludlow) (1836-1870)
  • #*:a favourable opportunity of engaging the enemy
  • #(lb) To enter into battle.
  • (lb) To interact contractually.
  • #(lb) To arrange to employ or use (a worker, a space, etc.).
  • #*{{quote-book, year=1905, author=
  • , title= , chapter=2 citation , passage=For this scene, a large number of supers are engaged , and in order to further swell the crowd, practically all the available stage hands have to ‘walk on’ dressed in various coloured dominoes, and all wearing masks.}}
  • #(lb) To guarantee or promise (to do something).
  • #(lb) To bind through legal or moral obligation (to do something, especially to marry) (usually in passive).
  • #:
  • # To pledge, pawn (one's property); to put (something) at risk or on the line; to mortgage (houses, land).
  • #* 1590 , (Edmund Spenser), (The Faerie Queene) , II.vii:
  • Thou that doest liue in later times, must wage / Thy workes for wealth, and life for gold engage .
  • (lb) To interact mechanically.
  • #To mesh or interlock (of machinery, especially a clutch).
  • #:
  • # To come into gear with.
  • The teeth of one cogwheel engage those of another.
  • (label) To enter into (an activity), to participate (construed with in).
  • *
  • *:“[…] We are engaged in a great work, a treatise on our river fortifications, perhaps? But since when did army officers afford the luxury of amanuenses in this simple republic?”
  • Antonyms

    * (to cause to mesh or interlock) disengage

    Derived terms

    * engagement * disengage * disengagement ----




    (en verb)
  • Of God: to appear to (someone) to comfort, bless, or chastise or punish them. (Now generally merged into later senses, below.)
  • * Bible, (w) i. 68
  • [God] hath visited and redeemed his people.
  • * 1611 , Bible , Authorized (King James) Version, (w) I.6:
  • Then she arose with her daughters in law, that she might return from the country of Moab: for she had heard in the country of Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them bread.
  • To habitually go to (someone in distress, sickness etc.) to comfort them. (Now generally merged into later senses, below.)
  • (intransitive) To go and meet (a person) as an act of friendliness or sociability.
  • * 1788 , (Edward Gibbon), (The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) , volume 68:
  • Her life was spared by the clemency of the emperor, but he visited the pomp and treasures of her palace.
  • Of a sickness, misfortune etc.: to afflict (someone).
  • * 1890 , (James George Frazer), (The Golden Bough) :
  • There used to be a sharp contest as to where the effigy was to be made, for the people thought that the house from which it was carried forth would not be visited with death that year.
  • To inflict punishment, vengeance for (an offense) (on) or (upon) someone.
  • * 2011 , John Mullan, The Guardian , 2 Dec 2011:
  • If this were an Ibsen play, we would be thinking of the sins of one generation being visited upon another, he said.
  • To go to (a shrine, temple etc.) for worship. (Now generally merged into later senses, below.)
  • To go to (a place) for pleasure, on an errand, etc.
  • * , chapter=19
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=Nothing was too small to receive attention, if a supervising eye could suggest improvements likely to conduce to the common welfare. Mr. Gordon Burnage, for instance, personally visited dust-bins and back premises, accompanied by a sort of village bailiff, going his round like a commanding officer doing billets.}}


    (en noun)
  • A single act of .
  • *{{quote-book, year=1899, author=(Stephen Crane)
  • , title=, chapter=1 , passage=There was some laughter, and Roddle was left free to expand his ideas on the periodic visits of cowboys to the town. “Mason Rickets, he had ten big punkins a-sittin' in front of his store, an' them fellers from the Upside-down-F ranch shot 'em up […].”}}
  • A meeting with a doctor at their surgery or the doctor's at one's home.
  • Derived terms

    * conjugal visit * flying visit * visitation * visitor


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