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Endeavor vs Career - What's the difference?

endeavor | career |

In obsolete terms the difference between endeavor and career

is that endeavor is to exert oneself while career is a racecourse; the ground run over.


Alternative forms

* (l) (UK)


(en noun)
  • A sincere attempt; a determined or assiduous effort towards a specific goal.
  • * 1640 , , part II, chapter 28:
  • And these three: 1. the law over them that have sovereign power; 2. their duty; 3. their profit: are one and the same thing contained in this sentence, Salus populi suprema lex ; by which must be understood, not the mere preservation of their lives, but generally their benefit and good. So that this is the general law for sovereigns: that they procure, to the uttermost of their endeavour , the good of the people.
  • * 1873 , , volume 2, page 184:
  • As we shall find it necessary, in our endeavours to bring electrical phenomena within the province of dynamics, to have our dynamical ideas in a state fit for direct application to physical questions we shall devote this chapter to an exposition of these dynamical ideas from a physical point of view.
  • Enterprise; assiduous or persistent activity.
  • * 1748 , David Hume, Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral (London: Oxford University Press, 1973), § 9:
  • The like has been the endeavour of critics, logicians, and even politicians .


    (en verb)
  • (obsolete) To exert oneself.
  • * Alexander Pope:
  • And such were praised who but endeavoured well.
  • To attempt through application of effort (to do something); to try strenuously.
  • * 1748 , David Hume, Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral (London: Oxford University Press, 1973), § 2:
  • The other species of philosophers consider man in the light of a reasonable rather than an active being, and endeavour to form his understanding more than cultivate his manners.
  • (obsolete) To attempt (something).
  • * Ld. Chatham:
  • It is our duty to endeavour the recovery of these beneficial subjects.
  • * 1669 May 18, Sir Isaac Newton, Letter (to Francis Aston):
  • If you be affronted, it is better, in a foreign country, to pass it by in silence, and with a jest, though with some dishonour, than to endeavour revenge; for, in the first case, your credit's ne'er the worse when you return into England, or come into other company that have not heard of the quarrel.
  • To work with purpose.
  • *{{quote-magazine, year=2012, month=March-April
  • , author=John T. Jost , title=Social Justice: Is It in Our Nature (and Our Future)? , volume=100, issue=2, page=162 , magazine=(American Scientist) citation , passage=He draws eclectically on studies of baboons, descriptive anthropological accounts of hunter-gatherer societies and, in a few cases, the fossil record. With this biological framework in place, Corning endeavors to show that the capitalist system as currently practiced in the United States and elsewhere is manifestly unfair.}}


    * strive



    (wikipedia career)


    (en noun)
  • One's calling in life; a person's occupation; one's profession.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-01
  • , author=Douglas Larson , title=Runaway Devils Lake , volume=100, issue=1, page=46 , magazine= citation , passage=Devils Lake is where I began my career as a limnologist in 1964, studying the lake’s neotenic salamanders and chironomids, or midge flies. […] The Devils Lake Basin is an endorheic, or closed, basin covering about 9,800 square kilometers in northeastern North Dakota.}}
  • General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part of it.
  • Washington's career as a soldier
  • (archaic) speed
  • * Wilkins
  • when a horse is running in his full career
  • * 1843 , '', book 3, chapter XIII, ''Democracy
  • It may be admitted that Democracy, in all meanings of the word, is in full career ; irresistible by any Ritter Kauderwalsch or other Son of Adam, as times go.
  • A jouster's path during a joust.
  • * 1819 :
  • These knights, therefore, their aim being thus eluded, rushed from opposite sides betwixt the object of their attack and the Templar, almost running their horses against each other ere they could stop their career .
  • (obsolete) A short gallop of a horse.
  • * 1603 , John Florio, trans. Michel de Montaigne, Essyas , I.48:
  • It is said of Cæsar that in his youth being mounted upon a horse, and without any bridle, he made him run a full cariere [tr. (carriere)], make a sodaine stop, and with his hands behind his backe performe what ever can be expected of an excellent ready horse.
  • (falconry) The flight of a hawk.
  • (obsolete) A racecourse; the ground run over.
  • * Sir Philip Sidney
  • to go back again the same career


    (en verb)
  • To move rapidly straight ahead, especially in an uncontrolled way.
  • The car careered down the road, missed the curve, and went through a hedge.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011, date=September 16, author=Ben Dirs, title=Rugby World Cup 2011: New Zealand 83-7 Japan, work=BBC Sport citation
  • , passage=However, the hosts hit back and hit back hard, first replacement hooker Andrew Hore sliding over, then Williams careering out of his own half and leaving several defenders for dead before flipping the ball to Nonu to finish off a scintillating move.}}


    (move rapidly straight ahead) careen