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Embrace vs Accept - What's the difference?

embrace | accept |

Accept is a antonym of embrace.

In obsolete terms the difference between embrace and accept

is that embrace is to cling to; to cherish; to love while accept is accepted.

As verbs the difference between embrace and accept

is that embrace is to clasp in the arms with affection; to take in the arms; to hug while accept is to receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval.

As a noun embrace

is hug noun; putting arms around someone.

As an adjective accept is




Alternative forms

* imbrace (obsolete)


  • To clasp in the arms with affection; to take in the arms; to hug.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I will embrace him with a soldier's arm, / That he shall shrink under my courtesy.
  • * Bible, Acts xx. 1
  • Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them.
  • (obsolete) To cling to; to cherish; to love.
  • (Shakespeare)
  • To seize eagerly, or with alacrity; to accept with cordiality; to welcome.
  • I wholeheartedly embrace the new legislation.
  • * Shakespeare
  • You embrace the occasion.
  • * John Locke
  • What is there that he may not embrace for truth?
  • To accept; to undergo; to submit to.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I embrace this fortune patiently.
  • To encircle; to encompass; to enclose.
  • * Dryden
  • Not that my song, in such a scanty space, / So large a subject fully can embrace .
  • * Denham
  • Low at his feet a spacious plain is placed, / Between the mountain and the stream embraced .
  • To enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.); to encompass.
  • Natural philosophy embraces many sciences.
  • To fasten on, as armour.
  • (Spenser)
  • (legal) To attempt to influence (a jury, court, etc.) corruptly.
  • (Blackstone)


    (en noun)
  • Hug (noun); putting arms around someone.
  • *
  • *:a delighted shout from the children swung him toward the door again. His sister, Mrs. Gerard, stood there in carriage gown and sables, radiant with surprise. ¶ "Phil!  You!   Exactly like you, Philip, to come strolling in from the antipodes—dear fellow!" recovering from the fraternal embrace and holding both lapels of his coat in her gloved hands.
  • (metaphorical) Enfolding, including.
  • accept



    (en verb)
  • To receive, especially with a consent, with favour, or with approval.
  • * (rfdate)
  • She accepted of a treat.
  • * (rfdate), Psalms 20:3
  • The Lord accept thy burnt sacrifice.
  • To admit to a place or a group.
  • The Boy Scouts were going to accept him as a member.
  • To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in.
  • I accept the fact that Christ lived.
  • To receive as adequate or satisfactory.
  • To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to.
  • I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse.
  • To endure patiently.
  • I accept my punishment.
  • (transitive, legal, business) To agree to pay.
  • To receive officially
  • to accept the report of a committee
  • To receive something willingly.
  • I accept .


    * receive * take * withtake * admit


    * reject * decline

    Derived terms

    * accepted * acceptedly * accepter * acceptive * accept a bill * accept person * accept service


    (en adjective)
  • (obsolete) Accepted.
  • * 1599 , (William Shakespeare), , V-ii
  • Pass our accept and peremptory answer.