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Elite vs Privilege - What's the difference?

elite | privilege |

As nouns the difference between elite and privilege

is that elite is elite while privilege is .



(wikipedia elite)

Alternative forms



(en adjective)
  • Of high birth or social position; aristocratic or patrician.
  • Representing the choicest or most select of a group.
  • * 2013 , Louise Taylor, English talent gets left behind as Premier League keeps importing'' (in ''The Guardian , 20 August 2013)[http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2013/aug/19/english-talent-premier-league-importing]
  • Not since Coventry in 1992 has a Premier League side kicked off a campaign with an all-English XI but things have reached the point where, of the 61 signings who have cost the elite division's 20 clubs a transfer fee this summer, only 12 have involved Englishmen.


    (en noun)
  • A special group or social class of people which have a superior intellectual, social or economic status as, the elite of society.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=April 19 , author=Josh Halliday , title=Free speech haven or lawless cesspool – can the internet be civilised? , work=the Guardian citation , page= , passage="Mujtahidd" has attracted almost 300,000 followers since the end of last year, when he began posting scandalous claims about the Saudi elite . In one tweet, Mujtahidd directly challenged Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Fahd about his political history: "Did you resign or were you forced to resign from your post as head of the diwan [office] of the council of ministers?"}}
  • Someone who is among the best at a certain task.
  • * 1964 , " France's Culture Corps," Time , 7 Aug.,
  • Is there a nobler or more disinterested aim than to educate the cadres, the elites of tomorrow?

    Derived terms

    * global elite * power elite


    Alternative forms

    * priviledg (obsolete) * priviledge (obsolete)


    (en noun)
  • A peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity not enjoyed by others or by all; special enjoyment of a good, or exemption from an evil or burden; a prerogative; advantage; franchise; preferential treatment.
  • All first-year professors here must teach four courses a term, yet you're only teaching one! What entitled you to such a privilege ?
  • The status or existence of such benefit or advantage.
  • In order to advance racial equality in the United States, what we've got to do is reduce white privilege .
  • (legal) A common law doctrine that protects certain communications from being used as evidence in court.
  • ''Your honor, my client is not required to answer that; her response is protected by attorney-client privilege .
  • (finance) A call, put, spread, or other option.
  • (computing) An ability to perform an action on the system that can be selectively granted or denied to users; permission.
  • Synonyms

    * prerogative, immunity, freelage, franchise, right, claim, liberty, advantage, foredeal

    Derived terms

    * cisprivilege


  • (archaic) To grant some particular right or exemption to; to invest with a peculiar right or immunity; to authorize; as, to privilege representatives from arrest.
  • (archaic) To bring or put into a condition of privilege or exemption from evil or danger; to exempt; to deliver.