Eft vs Fet - What's the difference?
eft | fet |
A newt, especially the European ).
*1596 , (Edmund Spenser), The Faerie Queene , V.10:
*:Only these marishes and myrie bogs, / In which the fearefull ewftes do build their bowres, / Yeeld me an hostry mongst the croking frogs […].
(label) Again; afterwards
*14thC , (Geoffrey Chaucer), '' in ''(The Canterbury Tales) ,
*:Were I unbounden, all so may I the, / I woulde never eft come in the snare.
*1384 , (John Wycliffe), , ii, 1,
*:And eft he entride in to Cafarnaum, aftir eiyte daies.
*:Than syr bedwere retorned ageyn & took the swerde in hys hande / and than hym thought synne and shame to throwe awaye that nobyl swerde / and so efte he hydde the swerde and retorned ageyn and tolde to the kyng that he had ben at the water and done his commaundemente
*1557 , , ,
*:And when they were all gone, / And the dim moon doth eft withhold the light,