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Eccentric vs Quaint - What's the difference?

eccentric | quaint | Synonyms |

As adjectives the difference between eccentric and quaint

is that eccentric is not at or in the centre; away from the centre while quaint is of a person: cunning, crafty.

As nouns the difference between eccentric and quaint

is that eccentric is one who does not behave like others while quaint is the vulva.



Alternative forms

* eccentrick (obsolete) * excentric * excentrick (obsolete)


(en adjective)
  • Not at or in the centre; away from the centre.
  • * 2011 , Michael Laver, Ernest Sergenti. Party Competition: An Agent-Based Model , page 125,
  • Strikingly, we see that party births tend systematically to be at policy positions that are significantly more eccentric than those of surviving parties, whatever decision rule these parties use.
  • Not perfectly circular; elliptical.
  • As of 2008, Margaret had the most eccentric orbit of any moon in the solar system, though Nereid's mean eccentricity is greater.
  • Having a different center; not concentric.
  • (of a person) deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently.
  • * 1801', Author not named, ''Fyfield (John)'', entry in '''''Eccentric Biography; Or, Sketches of Remarkable Characters, Ancient and Modern , page 127,
  • He was a man of a most eccentric turn of mind, and great singularity of conduct.
  • * 1807', G. H. Wilson (editor), ''The '''Eccentric Mirror , Volume 3, page 17,
  • Such is not the case with Mr. Martin Van Butchell, one of the most eccentric characters to be found in the British metropolis, and a gentleman of indisputable science and abilities, but whose strange humors and extraordinary habits, have rather tended to obscure than to display the talents he possessed.
  • * 1956 , , The City and the Stars , 2012, unnumbered page,
  • Khedron was the only other person in the city who could be called eccentric —and even his eccentricity had been planned by the designers of Diaspar.
  • (physiology, of a motion) Against or in the opposite direction of contraction of a muscle (e.g., such as results from flexion of the lower arm (bending of the elbow joint) by an external force while contracting the triceps and other elbow extensor muscles to control that movement; opening of the jaw while flexing the masseter).
  • Having different goals or motives.
  • * , 1867 , Richard Whately (analysis and notes), James R. Boyd (editor), Essay XI: Wisdom for a Man's Self'', ''Lord Bacon's Essays , page 171,
  • .

    Usage notes

    * . See also (Isometric exercise)


    * (not at or in the centre) eccentrical, excentrical * (not perfectly circular) eccentrical, excentrical * (having a different centre) eccentrical, excentrical * (deviating from the norm) eccentrical, excentrical, odd, abnormal * (against the contraction of a muscle) * (having different goals or motives) eccentrical, excentrical


    * (against the contraction of a muscle) concentric

    Derived terms

    * eccentrically


    (en noun)
  • One who does not behave like others.
  • * 1998 , Michael Gross, Life On The Edge , 2001, page ix,
  • Eccentrics live longer, happier, and healthier lives than conformist normal citizens, according to the neuropsychologist David Weeks.
  • A disk or wheel with its axis off centre, giving a reciprocating motion.
  • * 1840 , Dionysius Lardner, The Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated , page 379,
  • The position of the eccentrics' which is necessary to make the pistons drive the engine forward must be directly the reverse of that which would cause them to drive the engine backwards. To be able, therefore, to reverse the motion of the engine, it would only be necessary to be able to reverse the position of the ' eccentrics , which may be accomplished by either of two expedients.
  • * 1994 , James M. Lattis, Between Copernicus and Galileo: Christoph Clavius and the Collapse of Ptolemaic Cosmology , page 116,
  • Clavius goes on to use the large number of orbs in Fracostoro's theory as another reason to prefer the Ptolemaic system, then couples this issue with that of the relative capacity of the theories to save the phenomena, then finally reiterates the lack (as he sees it) of conflict between the Aristotelian natural philosophy and the eccentrics and epicycles of mathematical astronomy.
  • * 2007 , George Saliba, Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance , page 120,
  • The discussion that revolved around the admissibility of eccentrics' and epicycles lied(sic) at the core of this theoretical discussion, and those who would not allow such concepts took the position that such ' eccentrics and epicycles would then introduce a center of heaviness, other than the Earth, around which celestial simple objects would then move.
  • (slang) A kook.
  • See also

    * acentric



    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) cointe, (queinte) et al., (etyl) .


  • (obsolete) Of a person: cunning, crafty.
  • * 1591 , (William Shakespeare), Henry VI part 2 :
  • But you, my Lord, were glad to be imploy'd, / To shew how queint an Orator you are.
  • (obsolete) Cleverly made; artfully contrived.
  • * 1667 , (John Milton), Paradise Lost , Book IX:
  • describe races and games, / Or tilting furniture, imblazon'd shields, / Impresses quaint , caparisons and steeds, / Bases and tinsel trappings [...].
  • * 1596 , (Edmund Spenser), The Faerie Queene , IV.4:
  • Till that there entered on the other side / A straunger knight, from whence no man could reed, / In quyent disguise, full hard to be descride […].
  • * 1808 , (Walter Scott), Marmion XX:
  • Lord Gifford, deep beneath the ground, / Heard Alexander's bugle sound, / And tarried not his garb to change, / But, in his wizard habit strange, / Came forth,—a quaint and fearful sight!
  • * 1924 , Time , 17 Nov 1924:
  • What none would dispute though many smiled over was the good-humored, necessary, yet quaint omission of the writer's name from the whole consideration.
  • (obsolete) Overly discriminating or needlessly meticulous; fastidious; prim.
  • * 1590 , (Edmund Spenser), The Faerie Queene , III.7:
  • She, nothing quaint / Nor 'sdeignfull of so homely fashion, / Sith brought she was now to so hard constraint, / Sate downe upon the dusty ground anon [...].
  • Pleasingly unusual; especially, having old-fashioned charm.
  • * 1815 , (Jane Austen), Emma :
  • I admire all that quaint , old-fashioned politeness; it is much more to my taste than modern ease; modern ease often disgusts me.
  • * 2011 , Ian Sample, The Guardian , 31 Jan 2011:
  • The rock is a haven for rare wildlife, a landscape where pretty hedgerows and quaint villages are bordered by a breathtaking, craggy coastline.


    * See also

    Derived terms

    * quaintly * quaintness

    Etymology 2

    A variant of cunt (possibly as a pun).


    (en noun)
  • (archaic) The vulva.
  • * c. 1390 , Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Wife of Bath's Tale", Canterbury Tales :
  • And trewely, as myne housbondes tolde me, / I hadde þe beste queynte þat myghte be.
  • * 2003 , Peter Ackroyd, The Clerkenwell Tales , p. 9:
  • The rest looked on, horrified, as Clarice trussed up her habit and in open view placed her hand within her queynte crying, ‘The first house of Sunday belongs to the sun, and the second to Venus.’