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Earthly vs Corrupt - What's the difference?

earthly | corrupt | Synonyms |

Earthly is a synonym of corrupt.

As adjectives the difference between earthly and corrupt

is that earthly is relating to the earth or this world, as opposed to heaven while corrupt is in a depraved state; debased; perverted; morally degenerate; weak in morals.

As a noun earthly

is (uk|colloquial) a slightest chance (of success etc) or idea (about something).

As an adverb earthly

is in an earthy manner.

As a verb corrupt is

to make ; to change from good to bad; to draw away from the right path; to deprave; to pervert.




(en adjective)
  • Relating to the earth or this world, as opposed to heaven.
  • earthly joys
  • * Milton
  • This earthly load / Of death, called life.
  • * Bible, Phil. iii. 19
  • whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things
  • (negative, informal) (Used to put an emphasis)
  • * Alexander Pope
  • What earthly benefit can be the result?
  • Made of earth; earthy.
  • (Holland)

    See also

    * worldly


  • (UK, colloquial) A slightest chance (of success etc.) or idea (about something).
  • * 1974 , (GB Edwards), The Book of Ebenezer Le Page , New York 2007, p. 315:
  • ‘Then I didn't have a chance when I stood you a drink?’ I said. ‘Not an earthly !’ she said and laughed; but when I left she kissed me good-night.


    (en adverb)
  • in an earthy manner
  • Anagrams





    (en adjective)
  • In a depraved state; debased; perverted; morally degenerate; weak in morals.
  • The government here is corrupt , so we'll emigrate to escape them.
  • * Shakespeare
  • At what ease / Might corrupt' minds procure knaves as ' corrupt / To swear against you.
  • Abounding in errors; not genuine or correct; in an invalid state.
  • The text of the manuscript is corrupt .
    It turned out that the program was corrupt - that's why it wouldn't open.
  • In a putrid state; spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound.
  • * Knolles
  • Who with such corrupt and pestilent bread would feed them.

    Usage notes

    * Nouns to which "corrupt" is often applied: practice, state, country, nation, regime, city, government, person, man, politician, leader, mayor, judge, member, minister, file, database, document, woman.


    * , Genesis 6:11 *: The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.


    * corrupted


    (en verb)
  • To make ; to change from good to bad; to draw away from the right path; to deprave; to pervert.
  • Don't you dare corrupt my son with those disgusting pictures!
  • * , Genesis 6:12
  • And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
  • To become putrid or tainted; to putrefy; to rot.
  • (Francis Bacon)
  • To debase or render impure by alterations or innovations; to falsify.
  • to corrupt language, or a holy text
  • To waste, spoil, or consume; to make worthless.
  • * Bible, Matthew vi. 19
  • Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt .


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