Diversion vs Reversion - What's the difference?
diversion | reversion |
(military) A tactic used to draw attention away from the real threat or action.
A hobby; an activity that distracts the mind.
The act of diverting.
* '>citation
Removal of water via a canal.
(transport) A detour, such as during road construction
(transport) The rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or destination, or to a different mode of transportation before arrival at the ultimate destinationUS FM 55-15 TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE DATA; 9 June 1886 .
(legal) Officially halting or suspending a formal criminal or juvenile justice proceeding and referral of the accused person to a treatment or care program.
The action of reverting something.
The action of returning to a former condition or practice; reversal.
The fact of being turned the reverse way.
The action of turning something the reverse way.
(legal) The return of an estate to the donor or grantor after expiry of the grant.
(legal) An estate which has been returned in this manner.
(legal) The right of succeeding to an estate, or to another possession.
The right of succeeding to an office after the death or retirement of the holder.
The return of a genetic characteristic after a period of suppression.
A sum payable on a person's death.