Deskill vs Reskill - What's the difference?
deskill | reskill |
To redesign (a job) so that less skill is required to carry it out, for example through the introduction of new technology.
To change the role of (workers) so that they are no longer required or able to use the skills that they have acquired.
As verbs the difference between deskill and reskill
is that deskill is to redesign (a job) so that less skill is required to carry it out, for example through the introduction of new technology while reskill is to retrain workers in the skills needed by modern business, especially after redundancy.deskill
(en verb)- The impact on workers is fairly obvious but I believe that managerial jobs have also been deskilled by the adoption of controlling systems and procedures.
- Tragic, too, is the gradual deskilling of teachers, loss of excitement about the profession, and loss of gifted teachers to other pursuits.