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Dependant vs Reconciliation - What's the difference?

dependant | reconciliation |

As nouns the difference between dependant and reconciliation

is that dependant is dependent; one who is dependent while reconciliation is reconciliation (process of matching and comparing figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement).

As a verb dependant

is .

As an adjective dependant

is dependent.




(en adjective)
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • (British) A person who depends on another for support, particularly financial support (= US dependent).
  • (US)
  • References

    * Merriam-Webster Indicating only US spelling is "dependent" (redirects, lists British spelling as a "variant".)'' * Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage , pp. 148-149. * Encarta Always a misspelling in US English, adjective and noun are differentiated in British English by spelling.



    (en noun)
  • The reestablishment of friendly relations; conciliation or rapprochement.
  • He longed for reconciliation with his estranged father, but too many painful memories kept him from making contact again.
  • (theology) The end of estrangement between a human and God as a result of the process of atonement; more specifically,
  • :* A Roman Catholic sacrament involving contrition, confession, punishment and absolution; penance.
  • (accounting) Process of matching and comparing figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement.
  • Synonyms
