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Damp vs Sticky - What's the difference?

damp | sticky | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between damp and sticky

is that damp is being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist while sticky is able or likely to stick.

As nouns the difference between damp and sticky

is that damp is moisture; humidity; dampness while sticky is a sticky note, such as a post-it note.

As verbs the difference between damp and sticky

is that damp is to dampen; to render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; as, to damp cloth while sticky is to fix a thread at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.

As an abbreviation DAMP

is Deficits in Attention, Motor coordination and Perception.




  • Being in a state between dry and wet; moderately wet; moist.
  • :* O'erspread with a damp sweat and holy fear -
  • The lawn was still damp so we decided not to sit down.
    The paint is still damp , so please don't touch it.
  • (obsolete) Pertaining to or affected by noxious vapours; dejected, stupified.
  • * 1667 , John Milton, Paradise Lost , Book 1, ll. 522-3:
  • All these and more came flocking; but with looks / Down cast and damp .


    * (l) * (l)/(l)

    Derived terms

    * dampen * dampness

    See also



  • Moisture; humidity; dampness.
  • (archaic) Fog; fogginess; vapor.
  • * Milton
  • Night with black air / Accompanied, with damps and dreadful gloom.
  • (archaic) Dejection or depression.
  • * Joseph Addison
  • Even now, while thus I stand blest in thy presence, / A secret damp of grief comes o'er my soul.
  • * J. D. Forbes
  • It must have thrown a damp over your autumn excursion.
  • (archaic, or, historical, mining) A gaseous product, formed in coal mines, old wells, pits, etc.
  • Derived terms

    * afterdamp * blackdamp * chokedamp * damp sheet * firedamp * stinkdamp * whitedamp


    (en verb)
  • (archaic) To dampen; to render damp; to moisten; to make humid, or moderately wet; as, to damp cloth.
  • (archaic) To put out, as fire; to depress or deject; to deaden; to cloud; to check or restrain, as action or vigor; to make dull; to weaken; to discourage.
  • To suppress vibrations (mechanical) or oscillations (electrical) by converting energy to heat (or some other form of energy).
  • :* To damp your tender hopes -
  • :* Usury dulls and damps all industries, improvements, and new inventions, wherein money would be stirring if it were not for this slug -
  • :* How many a day has been damped and darkened by an angry word! -
  • :* The failure of his enterprise damped the spirit of the soldiers. -
  • :* Hollow rollers damp vibration. - [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3238/is_200004/ai_n7935204]
  • Anagrams

    * ----




  • Able or likely to stick.
  • Is this tape sticky enough to stay on that surface?
  • Potentially difficult to escape from.
  • This is a sticky situation. We could be in this for weeks if we're not careful.
  • * 2014 , Michael White, " Roll up, roll up! The Amazing Salmond will show a Scotland you won't believe", The Guardian , 8 September 2014:
  • Salmond studied medieval Scottish history as well as economics at university so he cannot say he has not had fair warning – it was even more turbulent and bloody than England at that time – and plenty of Scotland's kings and leaders came to a sticky end.
  • (computing, informal, of a setting) Persistent.
  • We should make the printing direction sticky so the user doesn't have to keep setting it.
  • (computing, of a window) Appearing on all virtual desktops.
  • (Internet, of threads on a bulletin board) Fixed at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.
  • (Internet, of a website) Compelling enough to keep visitors from leaving.
  • A woman has come to me with the complaint that her website is not "sticky" - 70% of the visits last 30 seconds or less.
  • Of weather, hot and windless and with high humidity, so that people feel sticky from sweating.
  • Derived terms

    * stickily * stickiness * sticky-backed plastic * sticky bit * sticky fingers * sticky wicket * sticky note

    See also

    * tacky


  • A sticky note, such as a post-it note.
  • Her desk is covered with yellow stickies .
  • (manufacturing) A small adhesive particle found in wastepaper.
  • A sweet dessert wine.
  • Verb

  • (Internet, bulletin boards) to fix a thread at the top of the list of topics or threads so as to keep it in view.