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Cumulation vs Assemblage - What's the difference?

cumulation | assemblage | Related terms |

As nouns the difference between cumulation and assemblage

is that cumulation is accumulation while assemblage is a collection of things which have been gathered together or assembled.




(en noun)
  • Accumulation.
  • * 1859 , The Veterinarian , volume XXXII-V, fourth series, page 82:
  • The cumulation and toleration of medicines.
  • * 1982 , Journal of the Indian Chemical Society , volume 59, page 1329:
  • The Cumulation of Methylmercury and Phenylmercury Species on Alga.
  • * 1997 , Graham Bell, The basics of selection , page 15:
  • Very improbable structures readily arise through the cumulation of small alterations.
  • * 2004 , Leslie Kish, Statistical design for research , page 186:
  • Changes in internal boundaries can also occur more frequently and can complicate cumulations of data for cities [...]
  • The effect of free trade agreements on the rules of origin in calculating importation tariffs, quotas, etc.
  • * 2013 , Switzerland Federal Department of Finance, [http://www.ezv.admin.ch/pdf_linker.php?doc=Die_Kumulation_in_den_Freihandelsabkommen&lang=en]:
  • Cumulation' is a deviation from the principle that goods must be produced entirely in the country of exportation, or have undergone sufficient working or processing there, in order to qualify as originating goods. ' Cumulation makes it possible for goods from a free trade partner to be treated the same as those originating in the country of exportation.




    (en noun)
  • A collection of things which have been gathered together or assembled.
  • {{quote-Fanny Hill, part= , But scarce was supper well over, before a change so incredible was wrought in me, such violent, yet pleasingly irksome sensations took possession of me that I scarce knew how to contain myself; the smart of the lashes was now converted into such a prickly heat, such fiery tinglings, as made me sigh, squeeze my thighs together, shift and wriggle about my seat, with a furious restlessness; whilst these itching ardours, thus excited in those parts on which the storm of discipline had principally fallen, detached legions of burning, subtile, stimulating spirits, to their opposite spot and centre of assemblage , where their titillation raged so furiously, that I was even stinging mad with them.}} Memoirs of Fanny Hill
  • *
  • *:Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers,. Even such a boat as the Mount Vernon offered a total deck space so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.
  • Derived terms

    * (energy medicine) ----