Cruise vs Caravel - What's the difference?
cruise | caravel |
A sea or lake voyage, especially one taken for pleasure.
, title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4
, passage=Judge Short had gone to town, and Farrar was off for a three days' cruise up the lake. I was bitterly regretting I had not gone with him when the distant notes of a coach horn reached my ear, and I descried a four-in-hand winding its way up the inn road from the direction of Mohair.}}
(lb) To sail about, especially for pleasure.
*:He and Gerald usually challenged the rollers in a sponson canoe when Gerald was there for the weekend; or, when Lansing came down, the two took long swims seaward or cruised about in Gerald's dory, clad in their swimming-suits; and Selwyn's youth became renewed in a manner almost ridiculous,.
(lb) To travel at constant speed for maximum operating efficiency.
(lb) To move about an area leisurely in the hope of discovering something, or looking for custom.
To actively seek a romantic partner or casual sexual partner by moving about a particular area; to troll.
To walk while holding on to an object (stage in development of ambulation, typically occurring at 10 months).
To win easily and convincingly.
(nautical) A light, usually lateen-rigged sailing ship used by the Portuguese, as well as Spanish, for about 300 years, beginning in the fifteenth century, first for trade and later for voyages of exploration