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Creo vs Cero - What's the difference?

creo | cero |

Cero is a anagram of creo.

As nouns the difference between creo and cero

is that creo is a shorter form of lang=en while cero is a large scombroid food fish found chiefly in the West Indies.

As an adjective creo

is a shorter form of lang=en.




(en noun)
  • (slang)
  • * {{quote-web
  • , date = 2004-08-02 , title = Around the Blogs , site = Evolutionblog , author = Jason , url = http://evolutionblog.blogspot.com/2004/08/around-blogs.html , passage = Nelson is just about the only creationist who makes some effort at presenting his ideas in legitimate scientific venues, but Pharyngula does a good job of showing why creo' s don't do well in such situations. }}
  • * {{quote-newsgroup
  • , date = 2005-03-24T18:41:11 , title = Re: Natural Selection , first = Ray , last = Martinez , newsgroup = talk.origins , id = 1111718471.043282.17720@l41g2000cwc.googlegroups.com , url = http://groups.google.com/group/talk.origins/msg/3657d8cd1f1da230 , passage = Anytime you want to debate an intelligent creo instead of the AiG YEC morons I will promptly oblige you. }}
  • * {{quote-web
  • , date = 2007-09-10 , title = Iapetus flyby today! , first = Nick , last = Matzke , site = Panda's Thumb , url = http://pandasthumb.org/archives/2007/09/iapetus-flyby-t.html , passage = And of course the creos will say that whatever they find is evidence for a young universe. }}
  • * {{quote-web
  • , date = 2010-12-17 , title = Top Ten Evolution Stories of 2010 , site = National Center for Science Education , url = http://ncse.com/evolution/top-ten-evolution-stories-2010 , passage = In Texas, for example, a creo -dominated board of education in 2009 successfully shoehorned creationist language into the life and earth sciences standards. }}


  • (slang)
  • * {{quote-web
  • , date = 2007-11-17 , first = PZ , last = Myers , authorlink = PZ Myers , title = The Discovery Institute lies to educators , quotee = raven (username) , site = , url = http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/11/the_discovery_institute_lies_t.php , section = comment
  • 128
  • , passage = [comment
  • 128 by "raven"] In the hotbed of creo nonsense, the USA, acceptance of the fact of evolution runs around 99% among relevant scientists.
  • }}
  • * {{quote-newsgroup
  • , date = 2008-11-26T23:25:05 , newsgroup = talk.origins , first = Mark , last = Gerard , title = Re: Science be damned! , url = http://groups.google.com/group/talk.origins/msg/af29e7d0d50f0846 , passage = First, I have to agree with you regarding the many creo sites and their unqualified interpretations of fossil evidence }}




  • A large scombroid food fish found chiefly in the West Indies.
  • ----