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Cragger vs Cragged - What's the difference?

cragger | cragged |

As a noun cragger

is (informal) a mountaineer.

As an adjective cragged is

having crags.




(en noun)
  • (informal) A mountaineer.
  • *{{quote-news, year=2008, date=March 2, author=Bruce Barcott, title=The Higher They Climb, work=New York Times citation
  • , passage=An athletic kid from New Jersey, Fischer was known as a bold risk taker ?— they called him “the fallingest man in climbing” ?—? until an old-school cragger taught him the Zen of controlled ascent. }}




    (en adjective)
  • Having crags
  • * {{quote-book, year=1658, author=Isaac Barrow, title=Sermons on Evil-Speaking, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=Is not the plain way more easy than the rough and cragged ? is not the fair way more pleasant and passable than the foul? }}
  • * {{quote-book, year=1834, author=Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, title=The Last Days of Pompeii, chapter=, edition= citation
  • , passage=Over the broadest there seemed to spring a cragged and stupendous arch, from which, as from the jaws of hell, gushed the sources of the sudden Phlegethon. }}