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Contumely vs Opprobrium - What's the difference?

contumely | opprobrium | Related terms |

Opprobrium is a synonym of contumely.

As nouns the difference between contumely and opprobrium

is that contumely is offensive and abusive language or behaviour; scorn, insult while opprobrium is disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy.




  • Offensive and abusive language or behaviour; scorn, insult.
  • * :
  • For who would beare the Whips and Scornes of time, The Oppressors wrong, the poore mans Contumely [...].
  • * 1857 , , Volume the Second, page 19 (ISBN 1857150570)
  • She had been subjected to contumely and cross-questoning and ill-usage through the whole evening.
  • * 1914 , (Grace Livingston Hill), The Best Man :
  • What scorn, what contumely , would be his!
  • * 1953 , (James Strachey), translating Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams , Avon Books, p. 178:
  • If this picture of the two psychical agencies and their relation to the consciousness is accepted, there is a complete analogy in political life to the extraordinary affection which I felt in my dream for my friend R., who was treated with such contumely during the dream's interpretation.
  • * 1976 , (Robert Nye), Falstaff :
  • I could think of no words adequate to the occasion. So I belched. Not out of contumely , you understand. It was a sympathetic belch, a belch of brotherhood.




  • Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy.
  • Scornful reproach or contempt
  • Don't give him a term of opprobrium .
  • A cause of shame or disgrace.
  • Synonyms

    * (scornful reproach) blame, castigation, censure, defamation, derision, invective, libel, reproach, revilement, scolding, signifying, tirade, upbraiding, vilification, vituperation * (cause of shame or disgrace) curse