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Contend vs Recommends - What's the difference?

contend | recommends |

As verbs the difference between contend and recommends

is that contend is to strive in opposition; to contest; to dispute; to vie; to quarrel; to fight while recommends is (recommend).



(Webster 1913)


(en verb)
  • to strive in opposition; to contest; to dispute; to vie; to quarrel; to fight.
  • * Bible, Deuteronomy ii. 9
  • The Lord said unto me, Distress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle.
  • * Shakespeare
  • For never two such kingdoms did contend without much fall of blood.
  • to struggle or exert one's self to obtain or retain possession of, or to defend.
  • * Dryden
  • You sit above, and see vain men below / Contend for what you only can bestow.
  • to strive in debate; to engage in discussion; to dispute; to argue.
  • * John Locke
  • The question which our author would contend for.
  • * Dr H. More
  • Many things he fiercely contended about were trivial.


    * struggle, fight, combat, vie, strive, oppose, emulate, contest, litigate, dispute, debate




  • (recommend)
  • Anagrams





    (en verb)
  • To bestow commendation on; to represent favourably; to suggest, endorse or encourage as an appropriate choice.
  • The board recommends Philips, given his ample experience in similar positions.
  • To make acceptable; to attract favor to.
  • To advise, propose, counsel favorably
  • The therapist recommends resting the mind and exercising the body.
  • (archaic) To commit, confide to another's care, confidence or acceptance, with favoring representations
  • ''A medieval oblate's parents recommended the boy for life to God and the monastery

    Usage notes

    * This is a catenative verb that takes the gerund (-ing) . See


    * See also


    * discourage * disapprove * oppose

    Derived terms

    * recommendable * recommendatory * recommended * recommender