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Detail vs Concretization - What's the difference?

detail | concretization |

As nouns the difference between detail and concretization

is that detail is detail while concretization is (uncountable) the process of concretizing]] a general principle or idea by delineating, [[particularize|particularizing, or exemplifying it.




  • (countable) Something small enough to escape casual notice.
  • (uncountable) A profusion of details.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-19, author=(Timothy Garton Ash)
  • , volume=189, issue=6, page=18, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Where Dr Pangloss meets Machiavelli , passage=Hidden behind thickets of acronyms and gorse bushes of detail , a new great game is under way across the globe. Some call it geoeconomics, but it's geopolitics too. The current power play consists of an extraordinary range of countries simultaneously sitting down to negotiate big free trade and investment agreements.}}
  • Something considered trivial enough to ignore.
  • (countable) A person's name, address and other personal information.
  • (military) A temporary unit or assignment.
  • A part distinct from the whole.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-07, author=(Gary Younge)
  • , volume=188, issue=26, page=18, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Hypocrisy lies at heart of Manning prosecution , passage=WikiLeaks did not cause these uprisings but it certainly informed them. The dispatches revealed details of corruption and kleptocracy that many Tunisians suspected, but could not prove, and would cite as they took to the streets. They also exposed the blatant discrepancy between the west's professed values and actual foreign policies.}}
  • A narrative which relates minute points; an account which dwells on particulars.
  • Synonyms

    * (something considered trivial enough to ignore) technicality, trifle, triviality * (personal information) particulars * contingent, detachment

    Derived terms

    * in detail * detail-oriented

    See also

    * overview * bird's-eye view * big picture


    (en verb)
  • to explain in detail
  • I'll detail the exact procedure to you later.
  • * 2014 , Ian Black, " Courts kept busy as Jordan works to crush support for Isis", The Guardian , 27 November 2014:
  • It is a sunny morning in Amman and the three uniformed judges in Jordan’s state security court are briskly working their way through a pile of slim grey folders on the bench before them. Each details the charges against 25 or so defendants accused of supporting the fighters of the Islamic State (Isis), now rampaging across Syria and Iraq under their sinister black banners and sending nervous jitters across the Arab world.
  • (US (?)) to clean carefully (particularly a car) ()
  • We need to have the minivan detailed .
  • (military) to assign to a particular task
  • Derived terms

    * detailing


    * (to explain in detail) specify * detach


    * * English heteronyms ----



    Alternative forms

    * concretisation


  • (uncountable) The process of concretizing]] a general principle or idea by delineating, [[particularize, particularizing, or exemplifying it.
  • * 1934 , J. Tinbergen, "Annual Survey of Significant Developments in General Economic Theory," Econometrica , vol. 2, no. 1, p. 25:
  • There are certain fields in general economics that are at present not so much in need of a broadening of the theoretical basis as in need of a minute working-out and concretization .
  • * 1961 , H. Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State , p. 237:
  • [Law] proceeds from the general (abstract) to the individual (particular); it is a process of increasing individualization and concretization .
  • (countable) Something specific which is the result of a process of concretizing a general principle or idea.
  • * 1979 , Trudy Scott, "Stuart Sherman's Singular Spectacles," The Drama Review: TDR , vol. 23, no. 1, p. 75:
  • This movement gave Sherman his first image—a roller skate—a concretization of pure motion.
  • * 1993 , Lubomír Doležel, "Semiotic Poetics of the Prague School," in Irene Rima Makaryk (ed.) Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches, Scholars, Terms , ISBN 9780802068606, p. 182 (Google preview):
  • Vodicka's reception history is an empirical study of the post-genesis fortunes of literary works as attested in recorded concretizations (diaries, memoirs, letters, critical reviews, and essays).
  • (uncountable, medicine, psychology) An inability to generalize or perform abstraction accompanied by excessive concentration on specific details, as in a mental disorder or in cognition by children.
  • * 1969 , E. Drage and B. Lange, "Ethical Considerations in the Use of Patients for Demonstration," The American Journal of Nursing , vol. 69, no. 10, p. 2165:
  • Another [patient] commented on the fact that the consultant had referred to two of them as "boys" in the demonstration. The concretization of a schizophrenic is exemplified here. One man thought this word meant that the consultant, in order "to keep things on the level of boy-girl, wanted everyone else to consider her as a girl, so the boys and girls could communicate."

    Usage notes

    * Concretization' and '''concretion''' are rough synonyms but are usually not used interchangeably. '''Concretization''' is more commonly used to refer to a particular embodiment of a general concept or to the process which creates it. ' Concretion is more commonly used to refer to a physical, especially geological, object or to the physical process which creates it.


    * abstraction


    *" concretization" at OneLook® Dictionary Search .