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Computer vs Cyberstalk - What's the difference?

computer | cyberstalk |

As a noun computer

is calculator, computer.

As a verb cyberstalk is

to stalk (a person) by means of computer networks.



(en noun)
  • (now, rare, chiefly, historical) A person employed to perform computations; one who computes.
  • * 1927 , J. B. S. Haldane, Possible Worlds and Other Essays , page 173
  • Only a few years ago Mr. Powers, an American computer , disproved a hypothesis about prime numbers which had held the field for more than 250 years.
  • * 2003 , (Bill Bryson), A Short History of Nearly Everything , BCA, page 116:
  • One Harvard computer , Annie Jump Cannon, used her repetitive acquaintance with the stars to devise a system of stellar classifications so practical that it is still in use today.
  • by restriction, a male computer, where the female computer is called a computress
  • A programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large amounts of data very quickly; now especially, a small one for personal or home use employed for manipulating text or graphics, accessing the Internet, or playing games or media.
  • Synonyms

    * (programmable device that performs logical operations) automatic data processing machine, processor, 'puter (informal), box (slang), machine, calculator, portable computer, laptop * See also


    * (programmable device that performs logical operations) desktop, laptop * (a person employed to perform computations) computress (f)


    * (a person employed to perform computations) computress (f) (when "computer" is used to represent the masculine form)

    Derived terms

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    See also

    * chip * data processing * desktop * hardware * laptop * mainframe * microprocessor 1000 English basic words ----




    (en verb)
  • To stalk (a person) by means of computer networks.
  • *{{quote-news, year=2008, date=February 10, author=Daniel Jones, title=A Valley of Misery Between Peaks of Joy, work=New York Times citation
  • , passage=But when it comes to tales from my fellow midlifers, I most often find myself reading about regret and claustrophobia, fantasies surreptitiously indulged, old flames cyberstalked (including the agony of whether to hit “send” on that “Hey, you won’t believe who this is!” e-mail message), children occupying center stage as our ailing parents wait in the wings for our care ... while out of the spotlight, dangling unnoticed in the rigging, is the incredible shrinking spouse. }}