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Compose vs Determine - What's the difference?

compose | determine | Related terms |

Compose is a related term of determine.

As verbs the difference between compose and determine

is that compose is while determine is .

As a noun compose

is compound.





  • To make something by merging parts.
  • The editor composed a historical journal from many individual letters.
    Try to compose your thoughts.
  • * Bishop Sprat
  • Zeal ought to be composed of the highest degrees of all pious affection.
  • To make up the whole; to constitute.
  • A church is composed of its members.
  • * I. Watts
  • A few useful things compose their intellectual possessions.
  • (nonstandard) To comprise.
  • (transitive, or, intransitive) To construct by mental labor; to think up; particularly, to produce or create a literary or musical work.
  • The orator composed his speech over the week prior.
    Nine numbered symphonies, including the Fifth, were composed by Beethoven.
    It's difficult to compose without absolute silence.
  • * Alexander Pope
  • Let me compose / Something in verse as well as prose.
  • * B. R. Haydon
  • the genius that composed such works as the "Standard" and "Last Supper"
  • (sometimes, reflexive) To calm; to free from agitation.
  • The defendant couldn't compose herself and was found in contempt.
  • * Dryden
  • Compose thy mind; / Nor frauds are here contrived, nor force designed.
  • To arrange the elements of a photograph or other picture.
  • To settle (an argument, dispute etc.); to come to a settlement.
  • * 2010 , (Christopher Hitchens), Hitch-22 , Atlantic 2011, p. 280:
  • By trying his best to compose matters with the mullahs, he had sincerely shown that he did not seek a violent collision
  • To arrange in proper form; to reduce to order; to put in proper state or condition.
  • * Dryden
  • In a peaceful grave my corpse compose .
  • * Milton
  • How in safety best we may / Compose our present evils.
  • (printing, dated) To arrange (types) in a composing stick for printing; to typeset.
  • Derived terms

    * composer * composite * composing stick * composition * compositor * composure * decompose



    Alternative forms

    * (obsolete)


  • To set the limits of.
  • * Bible, Acts xvii. 26
  • [God] hath determined the times before appointed.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • The knowledge of men hitherto hath been determined by the view or sight.
  • To ascertain definitely; to figure out.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-20, volume=408, issue=8845, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Old soldiers? , passage=Whether modern, industrial man is less or more warlike than his hunter-gatherer ancestors is impossible to determine . The machine gun is so much more lethal than the bow and arrow that comparisons are meaningless.}}
  • To fix the form or character of; to shape; to prescribe imperatively; to regulate; to settle.
  • * J. Edwards
  • The character of the soul is determined by the character of its God.
  • * W. Black
  • something divinely beautiful that at some time or other might influence or even determine her course of life
  • To fix the course of; to impel and direct; with a remoter object preceded by to .
  • Someone else's will determined me to this course.
  • To bring to a conclusion, as a question or controversy; to settle authoritative or judicial sentence; to decide.
  • The court has determined the cause.
  • To resolve on; to have a fixed intention of; also, to cause to come to a conclusion or decision; to lead.
  • The news of his father's illness determined him to depart immediately.
  • (logic) To define or limit by adding a differentia.
  • (obsolete) To bring to an end; to finish.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Now, where is he that will not stay so long / Till his friend sickness hath determined me?

    Derived terms

    {{der3, determinant , determination , determiner , determinism , determinist , overdetermine , underdetermine}}