Clitic vs Particle - What's the difference?
clitic | particle |
(linguistics) A morpheme that functions like a word, but never appears as an independent word, instead being always attached to a following or preceding word (or, in some cases, within a surrounding word).
* 1997 , Raffaella Zanuttini, Negation and Clausal Structure , Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax,
* 2006 , Olga Mišeska Tomi?, Balkan Sprachbund Morpho-Syntactic Features ,
* 2009 , Philippe Prévost, The Acquisition of French , Language Acquisition and Language Disorders: 51,
A very small piece of matter, a fragment; especially, the smallest possible part of something.
(linguistics, sensu lato) A part of speech which can not be declined, an adverb, preposition, conjunction or interjection
* 1844 , E. A. Andrews: First Lessions in Latin; or Introduction to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar. (6th edition, Boston), p.91 (
* 1894 (2008), B. L. Gildersleeve & G. Lodge: Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar (reprint of the 3rd edition by Dover, 2008), p.9. (
(linguistics, sensu stricto) A word that has a particular grammatical function but does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech, such as the word to in English infinitives or O as the vocative particle.
* {{quote-web
, date = 1965-06-04
, author = Shigeyuki Kuroda
, title = Generative grammatical studies in the Japanese language
, site = DSpace@MIT
, url =
, accessdate = 2014-02-24
, page = 38
(physics) Any of various physical objects making up the constituent parts of an atom; an elementary particle or subatomic particle.
* 2011 , & Jeff Forshaw, The Quantum Universe , Allen Lane 2011, p. 55:
*{{quote-magazine, year=2012, month=March-April
, author=(Jeremy Bernstein)
, title=A Palette of Particles
, volume=100, issue=2, page=146
, magazine=(American Scientist)
As nouns the difference between clitic and particle
is that clitic is (linguistics) a morpheme that functions like a word, but never appears as an independent word, instead being always attached to a following or preceding word (or, in some cases, within a surrounding word) while particle is a very small piece of matter, a fragment; especially, the smallest possible part of something.clitic
(wikipedia clitic)Noun
(en noun)- In English, the possessive ''-'s'' is a clitic .
page 29,
- In fact, even within the northern Italian dialects, subject clitics do not constitute a syntactically uniform class, as has been convincingly argued in Poletto's work.
page 242,
- In Macedonian, clitic'-doubling is a fully-fledged phenomenon. The Macedonian Dat and Acc pronominal '''clitics''', which originate in agreement phrases and move to preverbal position,10 where they cluster with other clausal ' clitics , are on their way to becoming mere case markers, which formally distinguish direct and indirect objects from subjects.
page 196,
- Here, we will see that they also have problems with overt pronouns, especially object clitics , whose emergence is more delayed than in typically developing children.
* (linguistics) enclitic, endoclitic, mesoclitic, procliticCoordinate terms
* affixparticle
(wikipedia particle)Noun
(en noun)at
- 322. The parts of speech which are neither declined nor conjugated, are called by the general name of particles . 323. They are adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
- The Parts of Speech are the Noun (Substantive and Adjective), the Pronoun, the Verb, and the Particles (Adverb, Preposition, and Conjunction)[.]
- In English there is no grammatical device to differentiate predicational judgments from nonpredicational descriptions. This distinction does cast a shadow on the grammatical sphere to some extent, but recognition of it must generally be made in semantic terms. It is maintained here that in Japanese, on the other hand, the distinction is grammatically realized through the use of the two particles wa and ga.
- Traditional grammar typically recog-
nises a number of further categories: for example, in his Reference Book of
Terms in Traditional Grammar for Language Students'', Simpson (1982) posits
two additional word-level categories which he refers to as ''Particle'', and
''Conjunction''. Particles include the italicised words in (58) below:
(58) (a) He put his hat ''on''
(b) If you pull too hard, the handle will come ''off''
(c) He was leaning too far over the side, and fell ''out''
(d) He went ''up to see the manager
- What, he asked himself, does quantum theory have to say about the familiar properties of particles such as position?
citation, passage=The physics of elementary particles' in the 20th century was distinguished by the observation of ' particles whose existence had been predicted by theorists sometimes decades earlier.}}