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Clap vs Roar - What's the difference?

clap | roar | Synonyms |

Clap is a synonym of roar.

As a noun clap

is the act of striking the palms of the hands, or any two surfaces, together or clap can be gonorrhea.

As a verb clap

is to strike the palms of the hands together, creating a sharp sound.

As a proper noun roar is




Etymology 1

From (etyl) .


(en noun)
  • The act of striking the palms of the hands, or any two surfaces, together.
  • He summoned the waiter with a clap .
  • The explosive sound of thunder.
  • * Episode 12, The Cyclops
  • The deafening claps of thunder and the dazzling flashes of lightning which lit up the ghastly scene testified that the artillery of heaven had lent its supernatural pomp to the already gruesome spectacle.
  • Any loud, sudden, explosive sound made by striking hard surfaces together, or resembling such a sound.
  • Off in the distance, he heard the clap of thunder.
  • * Jonathan Swift
  • Give the door such a clap , as you go out, as will shake the whole room.
  • A slap with the hand, usually in a jovial manner.
  • His father's affection never went further than a handshake or a clap on the shoulder.
  • A single, sudden act or motion; a stroke; a blow.
  • * Shakespeare
  • What, fifty of my followers at a clap !
  • (falconry) The nether part of the beak of a hawk.
  • (Yorkshire) A dropping of cow dung (presumably from the sound made as it hits the ground) Edward Peacock, A Glossary of Words Used in the Wapentakes of Manley and Corringham, Lincolnshire , p 188
  • * 1890 , John Nicholson, Folk Lore of East Yorkshire , page 139
  • “Oh! get some coo clap (cow dung), mix it wi’ fish oil (whale oil), put it on, and let it stop on all neet.”
    * (sound of thunder) thunderclap * See also
    Derived terms
    * thunderclap


  • To strike the palms of the hands together, creating a sharp sound.
  • The children began to clap in time with the music.
  • To applaud.
  • The audience loudly clapped the actress, who responded with a deep curtsey.
    It isn’t the singers they are clapping ; it's the composer.
  • To slap with the hand in a jovial manner.
  • He would often clap his teammates on the back for encouragement.
  • To bring two surfaces together forcefully, creating a sharp sound.
  • He clapped the empty glass down on the table.
    She clapped the book shut.
    ''He clapped across the floor in his boots.
  • * Marvell
  • Then like a bird it sits and sings, / And whets and claps its silver wings.
  • To come together suddenly with noise.
  • * Dryden
  • The doors around me clapped .
  • To create or assemble (something) hastily (usually followed by up'' or ''together ).
  • We should clap together a shelter before nightfall.
    ''The rival factions clapped up a truce.
  • To set or put, usually in haste.
  • The sheriff clapped him in jail.
    She was the prettiest thing I'd ever clapped eyes on.
  • * John Locke
  • He had just time to get in and clap to the door.
  • * Lamb
  • Clap an extinguisher upon your irony.
  • (slang, AAVE) To shoot (somebody) with a gun.
  • Derived terms
    * clapper * claptrap * clapperboard

    See also

    * applaud * applause

    Etymology 2



    (en noun)
  • Gonorrhea.
  • 1997 MASH
  • * “What in hell makes you think he's got the clap ?” Hawkeye asked. “Even a clap doctor can't diagnose it through a parka
  • 1998 Dan Savage
  • * When I explained that I thought he had given me the clap , he said I must be mistaken, it had to be someone I'd “tricked” with at ... He'd never had an STD in his life, he told me, and slammed down the phone.
  • 1998 Changing Bodies
  • * He thought I had given him the clap [gonorrhea], but I knew I didn't.
  • 2006 The STDs Update
  • * Gonorrhea, sometimes called the clap , is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • I'm gonna kill that bitch for giving me the clap !
    If your dick has "the drip" you probably have the clap and need to go to the sex clinic.
    He wasn't careful; he caught both syphilis and the clap .



    * ----




    (en verb)
  • To make a loud, deep cry, especially from pain, anger, or other strong emotion.
  • * Dryden
  • Sole on the barren sands, the suffering chief / Roared out for anguish, and indulged his grief.
  • To laugh in a particularly loud manner.
  • The audience roared at his jokes.
  • Of animals (especially the lion), to make a loud deep noise.
  • * Spenser
  • Roaring bulls he would him make to tame.
  • Generally, of inanimate objects etc., to make a loud resounding noise.
  • * Milton
  • The brazen throat of war had ceased to roar .
  • * Gray
  • How oft I crossed where carts and coaches roar .
  • (figuratively) To proceed vigorously.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011, date=January 25, author=Phil McNulty, work=BBC
  • , title= Blackpool 2-3 Man Utd , passage=United's attempt to extend their unbeaten league sequence to 23 games this season looked to be in shreds as the Seasiders - managed by Ian Holloway - roared into a fully deserved two-goal lead at the interval. }}
  • To cry aloud; to proclaim loudly.
  • * Ford
  • This last action will roar thy infamy.
  • * , chapter=7
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=I made a speaking trumpet of my hands and commenced to whoop “Ahoy!” and “Hello!” at the top of my lungs. […] The Colonel woke up, and, after asking what in brimstone was the matter, opened his mouth and roared “Hi!” and “Hello!” like the bull of Bashan.}}
  • To be boisterous; to be disorderly.
  • * Bishop Burnet
  • It was a mad, roaring time, full of extravagance.
  • To make a loud noise in breathing, as horses do when they have a certain disease.
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • A long, loud, deep shout made with the mouth wide open.
  • The cry of the lion.
  • * 1900 , , (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  • The Winkies were not a brave people, but they had to do as they were told. So they marched away until they came near to Dorothy. Then the Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could.
  • The deep cry of the bull.
  • A loud resounding noise.
  • the roar of a motorbike
  • * 1944, , Brave Men , University of Nebraska Press (2001), page 107:
  • "Those lovely valleys and mountains were filled throughout the day and night with the roar of heavy shooting."
  • A show of strength or character.