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Clandestine vs Unrevealed - What's the difference?

clandestine | unrevealed | Synonyms |

Clandestine is a synonym of unrevealed.

As adjectives the difference between clandestine and unrevealed

is that clandestine is done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose while unrevealed is not revealed; hidden; secret.




(en adjective)
  • Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an illicit or improper purpose.
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  • * 2004 — (Penny Arcade)
  • In my imagination, all work place encounters between men and women result in clandestine sex.
  • * 2005 — (Stewart Lee), 90's Comedian DVD''
  • And I don't want anyone to think I dislike Catholicism because I don't. It's actually my favourite form of clandestine global evil.
  • (freemasonry, of a person or lodge) Not recognized as a regular member.
  • Synonyms

    * (done in secret) covert, furtive, hush-hush, secret, secretive, undercover * See also




    (en adjective)
  • Not revealed; hidden; secret.