Chook vs Crook - What's the difference?
chook | crook |
(Australia, New Zealand, slang) A hen; a cooked chicken; a chicken dressed for cooking.
* 2005 , , The Complete Burke?s Backyard: The Ultimate Book of Fact Sheets ,
* 2006', Judith Brett, ''The '''Chook in the Australian Unconscious'', in Peter Beilharz, Robert Manne, ''Reflected Light: La Trobe Essays ,
* 2011 , Helen Maczkowiackpeglerpegler, An Awkward Fit ,
(Australia, dated) A fool.
A bend; turn; curve; curvature; a flexure.
*(Thomas Phaer) (c.1510-1560)
*:through lanes, and crooks , and darkness
A bending of the knee; a genuflection.
A bent or curved part; a curving piece or portion (of anything).
*:It was flood-tide along Fifth Avenue; motor, brougham, and victoria swept by on the glittering current; pretty women glanced out from limousine and tonneau; young men of his own type, silk-hatted, frock-coated, the 'crooks of their walking sticks tucked up under their left arms, passed on the Park side.
(lb) A lock or curl of hair.
(lb) A gibbet.
(lb) A support beam consisting of a post with a cross-beam resting upon it; a bracket or truss consisting of a vertical piece, a horizontal piece, and a strut.
A shepherd's crook; a staff with a semi-circular bend ("hook") at one end used by shepherds.
*1970 , The New English Bible with the Apocrypha, Oxford Study Edition'', published 1976, Oxford University Press, ''Psalms 23-4, p.583:
*:Even though I walk through a / valley dark as death / I fear no evil, for thou art with me, / thy staff and thy crook are my / comfort.
A bishop's staff of office.
An artifice; a trick; a contrivance.
*(Thomas Cranmer) (1489-1556)
*:for all your brags, hooks, and crooks
A person who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things; a criminal.
*1973 November 17, (Richard Nixon), reported 1973 November 18, The Washington Post'',
*:"People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook'. Well, I?m not a ' crook . I?ve earned everything I?ve got."
A pothook.
*Sir (Walter Scott) (1771-1832)
*:as black as the crook
(lb) A small tube, usually curved, applied to a trumpet, horn, etc., to change its pitch or key.
To bend.
* Shakespeare
* 1917 , , Part 4, Chapter 5,
To turn from the path of rectitude; to pervert; to misapply; to twist.
* Ascham
* Francis Bacon
(Australia, New Zealand, slang) Bad, unsatisfactory, not up to standard.
* 2004 , , A Cry from the Dark ,
(Australia, New Zealand, slang) Ill, sick.
(Australia, New Zealand, slang) Annoyed, angry; upset.
* 2006 , Jimmy Butt, Felicity Dargan, I've Been Bloody Lucky: The Story of an Orphan Named Jimmy Butt ,
* 2007 , Jo Wainer, Bess'', ''Lost: Illegal Abortion Stories ,
* 2007 , Ruby Langford Ginibi, Don?t Take Your Love to Town ,
* 2009 , Carolyn Landon, Cups With No Handles: Memoir of a Grassroots Activist ,
In australia new zealand slang terms the difference between chook and crook
is that chook is a hen; a cooked chicken; a chicken dressed for cooking while crook is annoyed, angry; upset.As a verb crook is
to bend.As an adjective crook is
bad, unsatisfactory, not up to standard.chook
(en noun)page 683,
- Worm chickens once every three months and, if an occasional lice problem occurs, spray the inside of the chook shed with Coopex.
page 329,
- This little book, with its meticulous pencil drawings of chooks' in mechanical contraptions and photos to show the machine in operation with a white leghorn called Gregory Peck, is evidence of both the sadism inspired by the ' chook ?s comparatively flightless fate and the laughter we use to defend ourselves against the knowledge of that sadism.
page 21,
- She decided to dig her way under the fence into their chook house and had great fun running around and biting the necks of about eight chooks' and leaving them half-dead and bleeding. The neighbour was furious, and unfortunately it was Dad?s birthday, so when he arrived home from work, Mum said ‘Happy birthday and(sic) darling. Guess what? Your dog has half-killed most of the neighbour?s ' chooks .’
Derived terms
* chook chaser * chookhouse * chook poop * chook raffle * chook wheel * chookyardcrook
Etymology 1
From (etyl) croke, crok, from (etyl) *.Noun
(en noun)''Nixon Tells Editors, ‘I'm Not a Crook’,
* (criminal) SeeDerived terms
* by hook or by crook * by hook or crook (US)Verb
(en verb)- He crooked his finger toward me.
- Crook the pregnant hinges of the knee.
- “.
- There is no one thing that crooks youth more than such unlawful games.
- Whatsoever affairs pass such a man's hands, he crooketh them to his own ends.
Derived terms
* crooked (adjective)Etymology 2
From .Australian National Dictionary Centre Home » Australian words » Meanings and origins of Australian words and idioms » C
(en adjective)- That work you did on my car is crook , mate
- Not turning up for training was pretty crook .
- Things are crook at Tallarook.
page 21,
- “Things are crook at home at the moment.”
- “They?re always crook at my home.”
- I?m feeling a bit crook .
- be crook''' at/about''; ''go '''crook at
page 17,
- Ann explained to the teacher what had happened and the nuns went crook at me too.
page 159,
- I went home on the tram, then Mum went crook at me because I was late getting home—I had tickets for Mum and her friend to go to the Regent that night and she was annoyed because I was late.
page 100,
- I went crook at them for not telling me and as soon as she was well enough I took her home to the camping area and she soon picked up.
page 234,
- Mum went crook at me for wasting money, but when Don got a job and spent all his money on a racing bike, she didn?t say a thing to him.