What's the difference between
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Collar vs Torc - What's the difference?

collar | torc |

As nouns the difference between collar and torc

is that collar is anything that encircles the neck while torc is an alternative spelling of torque necklace.

As a verb collar

is to grab or seize by the collar or neck.

Wikidiffcom vs Torc - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | torc |

As a verb torc is


Terms vs Torc - What's the difference?

terms | torc |

As a noun terms

is .

As a verb torc is


Torc vs Tors - What's the difference?

torc | tors |

As nouns the difference between torc and tors

is that torc is an alternative spelling of torque necklace while tors is plural of lang=en.

Torq vs Torc - What's the difference?

torq | torc |

As a noun torq

is .

As a verb torc is


Orc vs Torc - What's the difference?

orc | torc |

As an initialism orc

is orange river colony, a name given to the orange free state when annexed by britain in 1900.

As a verb torc is


Torc vs Tori - What's the difference?

torc | tori |

As a verb torc

is .

As a proper noun tori is

short form of the female name victoria.

Torc vs Tory - What's the difference?

torc | tory |

As a verb torc

is .

As a noun tory is

a political conservative supporting monarchy and traditional political and social institutions.

As an adjective tory is

conservative, right-wing.

Torr vs Torc - What's the difference?

torr | torc |

As a noun torr

is a heap, mound.

As a verb torc is


Toric vs Torc - What's the difference?

toric | torc |

As an adjective toric

is pertaining to or shaped like a torus, or a section of a torus; toroidal.

As a verb torc is

