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Bore vs Obturation - What's the difference?

bore | obturation |

As nouns the difference between bore and obturation

is that bore is farmer while obturation is the act of stopping up, or closing, an opening.

Pressure vs Obturation - What's the difference?

pressure | obturation |

As a verb pressure

is .

As an adjective pressure

is squeezed.

As a noun obturation is

the act of stopping up, or closing, an opening.

Expand vs Obturation - What's the difference?

expand | obturation |

As a verb expand

is (label) to change (something) from a smaller form and/or size to a larger one.

As a noun obturation is

the act of stopping up, or closing, an opening.

Bullet vs Obturation - What's the difference?

bullet | obturation |

As nouns the difference between bullet and obturation

is that bullet is a projectile, usually of metal, shot from a gun at high speed while obturation is the act of stopping up, or closing, an opening.

As a verb bullet

is to draw attention to (text) by, or as if by, placing a graphic bullet in front of it.

Obturation vs Obturate - What's the difference?

obturation | obturate | see also |

Obturation is a see also of obturate.

As a noun obturation

is the act of stopping up, or closing, an opening.

As a verb obturate is

to block up or obstruct.
