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Crew vs Jackman - What's the difference?

crew | jackman |

In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between crew and jackman

is that crew is (obsolete) any company of people; an assemblage; a throng while jackman is (obsolete) a cream cheese.

As nouns the difference between crew and jackman

is that crew is a group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, or airplane or crew can be (british|dialectal) a pen for livestock such as chickens or pigs or crew can be the manx shearwater while jackman is (motor racing) a member of the pit crew responsible for lifting the car with a jack.

As a verb crew

is to be a member of a vessel's crew or crew can be (british) (crow) to have made the characteristic sound of a rooster.

Pit vs Jackman - What's the difference?

pit | jackman |

As nouns the difference between pit and jackman

is that pit is foot while jackman is (motor racing) a member of the pit crew responsible for lifting the car with a jack.
