instrument |
lactobutyrometer |
As nouns the difference between instrument and lactobutyrometer
is that
instrument is while
lactobutyrometer is an instrument for determining the amount of butterfat in milk.
instrument |
ozonometer |
As nouns the difference between instrument and ozonometer
is that
instrument is while
ozonometer is an instrument for measuring how much ozone is present in a mixture of gases.
instrument |
vibroscope |
As nouns the difference between instrument and vibroscope
is that
instrument is while
vibroscope is an instrument for observing or tracing vibrations.
instrument |
osteophone |
As nouns the difference between instrument and osteophone
is that
instrument is while
osteophone is an instrument for transmission of auditory vibrations through the bones of the head, so as to be appreciated as sounds by persons deaf from causes other than those affecting the nervous apparatus of hearing.
instrument |
uvulatome |
As nouns the difference between instrument and uvulatome
is that
instrument is while
uvulatome is (surgery) an instrument for removing the uvula.
instrument |
rheoscope |
As nouns the difference between instrument and rheoscope
is that
instrument is while
rheoscope is an instrument for detecting the presence or movement of currents, as of electricity.
instrument |
anaglyptograph |
As nouns the difference between instrument and anaglyptograph
is that
instrument is while
anaglyptograph is an instrument for making accurate engravings of any embossed object, such as a medal.
instrument |
curvilinead |
As nouns the difference between instrument and curvilinead
is that
instrument is while
curvilinead is (geometry|obsolete) an instrument for drawing curved lines.
instrument |
opsiometer |
As nouns the difference between instrument and opsiometer
is that
instrument is while
opsiometer is an old instrument for measuring vision and determining the focal length of a lens that can correct an individual's imperfect eyesight.
instrument |
cryophorus |
As nouns the difference between instrument and cryophorus
is that
instrument is while
cryophorus is (chemistry) an instrument used to illustrate the freezing of water by its own evaporation the ordinary form consists of two glass bulbs connected by a tube and containing only a quantity of water and water vapour, devoid of air the water is in one of the bulbs, and freezes when the other is cooled below zero.