indorse |
undefined |
As a verb indorse
is (british|india|rare).
As an adjective undefined is
lacking a definition or value.
indorse |
aval |
As a verb indorse
is alternative form of lang=en.
As a noun aval is
a financial guarantee by a third party to assume the burden of a debt, especially a bill of exchange in the event of default.
As an adjective aval is
of, related to, or characteristic of a grandparent.
indorse |
authorise |
Synonyms |
Indorse is a synonym of authorise.
As verbs the difference between indorse and authorise
is that
indorse is (british|india|rare) while
authorise is .
indorse |
ratify |
As verbs the difference between indorse and ratify
is that
indorse is alternative form of lang=en while
ratify is to give formal consent to; make officially valid.
indorse |
indorse |
certify |
Synonyms |
Indorse is a synonym of certify.
As verbs the difference between indorse and certify
is that
indorse is (british|india|rare) while
certify is to attest to as the truth or meeting a standard.
indorse |
validate |
Synonyms |
Indorse is a synonym of validate.
As verbs the difference between indorse and validate
is that
indorse is (british|india|rare) while
validate is to render valid.
indorse |
countersign |
Synonyms |
Indorse is a synonym of countersign.
As verbs the difference between indorse and countersign
is that
indorse is (british|india|rare) while
countersign is to sign on the opposite side of (an instrument or writing).
As a noun countersign is
a second signature added to a document to affirm the validity of the signature of the first person.
indorse |
sign |
Synonyms |
Indorse is a synonym of sign.
As verbs the difference between indorse and sign
is that
indorse is (british|india|rare) while
sign is to make a mark.
As a noun sign is
(sometimes|also used uncountably) a visible indication.
indorse |
indorser |
As a verb indorse
is alternative form of lang=en.
As a noun indorser is
alternative form of lang=en.