What's the difference between
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Profuse vs Generous - What's the difference?

profuse | generous | Synonyms |

Profuse is a synonym of generous.

In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between profuse and generous

is that profuse is (obsolete) to pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander while generous is (obsolete) of noble birth.

As adjectives the difference between profuse and generous

is that profuse is in great quantity or abundance while generous is (obsolete) of noble birth.

As a verb profuse

is (obsolete) to pour out; to give or spend liberally; to lavish; to squander.

Generous vs Lively - What's the difference?

generous | lively | Related terms |

In obsolete terms the difference between generous and lively

is that generous is of noble birth while lively is in a lifelike manner.

As a noun lively is

Term of address.

As an adverb lively is

in a lifelike manner.

As a proper noun Lively is


Wholehearted vs Generous - What's the difference?

wholehearted | generous | Related terms |

Wholehearted is a related term of generous.

As adjectives the difference between wholehearted and generous

is that wholehearted is having no reservations; having unconditional and enthusiastic support while generous is (obsolete) of noble birth.

Open vs Generous - What's the difference?

open | generous | Related terms |

Open is a related term of generous.

As a noun open

is .

As an adjective generous is

(obsolete) of noble birth.

Abounding vs Generous - What's the difference?

abounding | generous | Related terms |

Abounding is a related term of generous.

As adjectives the difference between abounding and generous

is that abounding is ample, plenty, abundant while generous is (obsolete) of noble birth.

As a verb abounding

is .

Generous vs Complete - What's the difference?

generous | complete | Related terms |

Generous is a related term of complete.

As an adjective generous

is (obsolete) of noble birth.

As a verb complete is


Helpful vs Generous - What's the difference?

helpful | generous |

As adjectives the difference between helpful and generous

is that helpful is furnishing help; giving aid; useful while generous is of noble birth.

Generous vs Zestful - What's the difference?

generous | zestful | Related terms |

Generous is a related term of zestful.

As adjectives the difference between generous and zestful

is that generous is (obsolete) of noble birth while zestful is having a spirited love of life; ebullient.

Exuberant vs Generous - What's the difference?

exuberant | generous | Related terms |

Exuberant is a related term of generous.

As adjectives the difference between exuberant and generous

is that exuberant is exuberant while generous is (obsolete) of noble birth.

Merciful vs Generous - What's the difference?

merciful | generous | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between merciful and generous

is that merciful is showing mercy while generous is of noble birth.
