eny |
veny |
As a determiner eny
is eye dialect of lang=en.
As a noun veny is
a strike or blow.
eny |
ety |
As a determiner eny
is .
As an abbreviation ety is
deny |
eny |
As a verb deny
is to not allow.
As a determiner eny is
envy |
eny |
As a noun envy
is resentful desire of something possessed by another or others (but not limited to material possessions).
As a verb envy
is to feel displeasure or hatred towards (someone) for their good fortune or possessions.
As a determiner eny is
eng |
eny |
As an initialism eng
is electronic news gathering.
As a determiner eny is
end |
eny |
As a noun end
is a key that when pressed causes the cursor to go to the last character of the current line.
As a determiner eny is
any |
eny |
As determiners the difference between any and eny
is that
any is at least one; of at least one kind. One at all while
eny is eye dialect of lang=en.
As an adverb any
is to even the slightest extent, at all.
As a pronoun any
is any thing(s) or person(s).