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Captious vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

captious | condemnatory | Related terms |

Captious is a related term of condemnatory.

As adjectives the difference between captious and condemnatory

is that captious is (obsolete) that captures; especially, (of an argument, words etc) designed to capture or entrap in misleading arguments; sophistical while condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure.

Condemnation vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

condemnation | condemnatory |

As a noun condemnation

is the act of condemning or pronouncing to be wrong; censure; blame; disapprobation.

As an adjective condemnatory is

serving to condemn or censure.

Carping vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

carping | condemnatory | Related terms |

Carping is a related term of condemnatory.

As adjectives the difference between carping and condemnatory

is that carping is pertaining to excessive complaining while condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure.

As a verb carping

is .

As a noun carping

is excessive complaining.

Contemptuous vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

contemptuous | condemnatory |

As adjectives the difference between contemptuous and condemnatory

is that contemptuous is showing contempt; expressing disdain; showing a lack of respect while condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure.

Condemnatory vs Abusive - What's the difference?

condemnatory | abusive | Related terms |

Condemnatory is a related term of abusive.

As adjectives the difference between condemnatory and abusive

is that condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure while abusive is wrongly used; perverted; misapplied; unjust; illegal .

Fault-finding vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

fault-finding | condemnatory | Related terms |

Fault-finding is a related term of condemnatory.

As an adjective condemnatory is

serving to condemn or censure.

Condemnatory vs Denunciatory - What's the difference?

condemnatory | denunciatory | Related terms |

Condemnatory is a related term of denunciatory.

As adjectives the difference between condemnatory and denunciatory

is that condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure while denunciatory is tending to denounce.

Caviling vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

caviling | condemnatory | Related terms |

As a verb caviling

is present participle of cavil.

As a noun caviling

is cavilation.

As an adjective condemnatory is

serving to condemn or censure.

Severe vs Condemnatory - What's the difference?

severe | condemnatory | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between severe and condemnatory

is that severe is very bad or intense while condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure.

Condemnatory vs Fulminating - What's the difference?

condemnatory | fulminating | Related terms |

Condemnatory is a related term of fulminating.

As adjectives the difference between condemnatory and fulminating

is that condemnatory is serving to condemn or censure while fulminating is explosive.

As a verb fulminating is

