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Blast vs Carpet - What's the difference?

blast | carpet |

As verbs the difference between blast and carpet

is that blast is while carpet is to lay carpet, or to have carpet installed, in an area.

As a noun carpet is

a fabric used as a complete floor covering.



Etymology 1

From (etyl) from (etyl) . More at blow.


(en noun)
  • (senseid)A violent gust of wind.
  • * Thomson
  • And see where surly Winter passes off, / Far to the north, and calls his ruffian blasts'; / His ' blasts obey, and quit the howling hill.
  • A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to which one charge of ore or metal is subjected in a furnace; as, to melt so many tons of iron at a blast.
  • * 1957 , H.R. Schubert, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry , p. 146:
  • Blast was produced by bellows worked by four 'blowers', three of whom worked at a time while the fourth stood ready to replace one of the others.
  • The exhaust steam from an engine, driving a column of air out of a boiler chimney, and thus creating an intense draught through the fire; also, any draught produced by the blast.
  • An explosion, especially for the purpose of destroying a mass of rock, etc.
  • * {{quote-book, year=2006, author=
  • , title=Internal Combustion , chapter=1 citation , passage=Blast' after ' blast , fiery outbreak after fiery outbreak, like a flaming barrage from within,
  • An explosive charge for blasting.
  • * Tomlinson
  • Large blasts are often used.
  • A loud, sudden sound.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • One blast upon his bugle horn / Were worth a thousand men.
  • * Bryant
  • the blast of triumph o'er thy grave
  • * 1884 : (Mark Twain), (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Chapter VIII
  • Then the captain sung out "Stand away!" and the cannon let off such a blast right before me that it made me deef with the noise and pretty near blind with the smoke, and I judged I was gone.
  • A sudden, pernicious effect, as if by a noxious wind, especially on animals and plants; a blight.
  • * Bible, Job iv. 9
  • By the blast of God they perish.
  • * Shakespeare
  • virtue preserved from fell destruction's blast
  • (figuratively, informal) A good time; an enjoyable moment.
  • We had a blast at the party last night.
  • (marketing) A promotional message sent to an entire mailing list.
  • an e-mail blast'''; a fax '''blast
  • A flatulent disease of sheep.
  • Verb

    (en verb)
  • To confound by a loud blast or din.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Trumpeters, / With brazen din blast you the city's ear.
  • To make a loud noise.
  • To shatter, as if by an explosion.
  • To open up a hole in, usually by means of a sudden and imprecise method (such as an explosion).
  • Blast right through it.
  • To curse; to damn.
  • Blast it! Foiled again.
  • (sci-fi) To shoot, especially with an energy weapon (as opposed to one which fires projectiles).
  • Chewbacca blasted the Stormtroopers with his laser rifle.
  • (soccer) To shoot; kick the ball in hope of scoring a goal.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2010
  • , date=December 29 , author=Chris Whyatt , title=Chelsea 1 - 0 Bolton , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=A Ricketts and Stuart Holden one-two around the box then created a decent chance for an almost instant equaliser - but Welsh full-back Ricketts blasted over when a calmer finish could have been rewarded.}}
  • To criticize or reprimand severely; to verbally discipline or punish.
  • My manager suddenly blasted me yesterday for being a little late to work for five days in a row, because I was never getting myself up on time.
  • To blight or wither.
  • A cold wind blasted the rose plants.
  • (obsolete) To be blighted or withered.
  • The bud blasted in the blossom.
  • (obsolete) To blow, as on a trumpet.
  • * Chaucer
  • Toke his blake trumpe faste / And gan to puffen and to blaste .
    Derived terms
    * blaster * blastworthy * ghetto blaster, ghettoblaster * sandblast


    (en interjection)
  • Blast it; damn it.
  • Etymology 2

    From (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • (cytology) An immature or undifferentiated cell (e.g., lymphoblast, myeloblast).
  • Derived terms
    * blast cell * blastocyte * blastoma


    * ----




  • (en noun) (uncountable and countable)
  • A fabric used as a complete floor covering.
  • *
  • *:A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor; as, again, the arm-chair in which Bunting now sat forward, staring into the dull, small fire.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1963, author=(Margery Allingham)
  • , title=(The China Governess) , chapter=1 citation , passage=The half-dozen pieces […] were painted white and carved with festoons of flowers, birds and cupids. To display them the walls had been tinted a vivid blue which had now faded, but the carpet , which had evidently been stored and recently relaid, retained its original turquoise.}}
  • (label) Any surface or cover resembling a carpet or fulfilling its function.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (c.1564–1616)
  • *:the grassy carpet of this plain
  • (label) A wrought cover for tables.
  • *(Thomas Fuller) (1606-1661)
  • *:Tables and beds covered with copes instead of carpets and coverlets.
  • A woman's pubic hair.
  • Usage notes

    The terms carpet and (m) are often used interchangeably, but various distinctions are drawn. Most often, a rug is loose and covers part of a floor, while a carpet covers most or all of the floor (hence typically square), and may be loose or attached, while a fitted carpet runs wall-to-wall. Another distinction is quality: a rug may be coarser, while a carpet is higher quality and has finished ends. Initially carpet referred primarily to table and wall coverings, today called (m) or (m) – the use of the term for floor coverings dates to the 18th century, following trade with Persia.

    Derived terms

    * carpetbag * carpet beetle * carpet bombing * carpet burn * carpeting * carpet knight * carpet muncher * carpet weed * flying carpet * magic carpet * on the carpet * call on the carpet


    (en verb)
  • To lay carpet, or to have carpet installed, in an area.
  • After the fire, they carpeted over the blackened hardwood flooring.
    The builders were carpeting in the living room when Zadie inspected her new house.
  • To substantially cover something, like a carpet; to blanket something.
  • Popcorn and candy wrappers carpeted the floor of the cinema.
  • (UK) To reprimand.
  • * 1990 , (Peter Hopkirk), The Great Game , Folio Society 2010, p. 428:
  • Even Colonel Yakov, so recently carpeted by St Petersburg, was reported to be back in the Pamirs.