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Bustle vs Disturbance - What's the difference?

bustle | disturbance | Related terms |

Bustle is a related term of disturbance.

As nouns the difference between bustle and disturbance

is that bustle is an excited activity; a stir while disturbance is the act of disturbing, being disturbed.

As a verb bustle

is to move busily and energetically with fussiness (often followed by about ).




(en noun)
  • An excited activity; a stir.
  • * 1748 . David Hume. Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. § 34.
  • we are, perhaps, all the while flattering our natural indolence, which, hating the bustle of the world, and drudgery of business seeks a pretence of reason to give itself a full and uncontrolled indulgence
  • (computing) A cover to protect and hide the back panel of a computer or other office machine.
  • (historical) A frame worn underneath a woman's skirt, typically only protruding from the rear as opposed to the earlier more circular hoops.
  • Derived terms

    * hustle and bustle


  • To move busily and energetically with fussiness (often followed by about ).
  • The commuters bustled about inside the train station.
  • *, II.3.6:
  • I was once so mad to bussell abroad, and seek about for preferment […].
  • To teem or abound (usually followed by with''); to exhibit an energetic and active abundance (of a thing). ''See also bustle with .
  • The train station was bustling with commuters.


    * (to move busily) flit, hustle, scamper, scurry * (to exhibit an energetic abundance) abound, brim, bristle, burst, crawl, swell, teem





    Alternative forms

    * disturbaunce


    (en noun)
  • The act of disturbing, being disturbed.
  • Something that disturbs.
  • That guy causes a lot of trouble, you know, he's such a disturbance .
  • An interruption of that which is normal or regular.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-01
  • , author=Donald Worster , title=A Drier and Hotter Future , volume=100, issue=1, page=70 , magazine= citation , passage=Phoenix and Lubbock are both caught in severe drought, and it is going to get much worse. We may see many such [dust] storms in the decades ahead, along with species extinctions, radical disturbance of ecosystems, and intensified social conflict over land and water. Welcome to the Anthropocene, the epoch when humans have become a major geological and climatic force.}}
  • (psychology) A serious mental imbalance or illness.
  • Antonyms

    * calmness