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Brook vs Brink - What's the difference?

brook | brink |

As nouns the difference between brook and brink

is that brook is a body of running water smaller than a river; a small stream while brink is the edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge, as of a river or pit; a verge; a border; as, the brink of a chasm. Also used figuratively.

As a verb brook

is to use; enjoy; have the full employment of.

As a proper noun Brook

is {{surname|from=Middle English}} for someone living by a brook.



Etymology 1

From (etyl) .


(en verb)
  • To use; enjoy; have the full employment of.
  • To earn; deserve.
  • (label) To bear; endure; support; put up with; tolerate (usually used in the negative, with an abstract noun as object ).
  • * {{quote-book, year=1922, author=(Ben Travers)
  • , chapter=6, title= A Cuckoo in the Nest , passage=But Sophia's mother was not the woman to brook defiance. After a few moments' vain remonstrance her husband complied. His manner and appearance were suggestive of a satiated sea-lion.}}
  • * 2005 , Nicholas Ostler, Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World , Harper:
  • Nevertheless, Garcilaso does claim that the Spaniards ‘who were unable to brook the length of the discourse, had left their places and fallen on the Indians’.
    Derived terms

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl), from (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • A body of running water smaller than a river; a small stream.
  • *Bible, (w) viii. 7
  • *:The Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water.
  • *(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • *:empties itself, as doth an inland brook / into the main of waters
  • *
  • *:But then I had the [massive] flintlock by me for protection. ¶.
  • A water meadow.
  • Low, marshy ground.
  • Synonyms
    * beck * burn * coulee * creek * stream




    (en noun)
  • The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge, as of a river or pit; a verge; a border; as, the brink of a chasm. Also used figuratively.
  • Derived terms

    * on the brink